info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Elementals-Verse (placeholder)

Description - How would you describe Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

There is a group of people in the world who can control certain forms of matter and energy, who are systematically being hunted down.

Genre - What genre best describes Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

Sci-Fi, Superhero, Drama, Character and Story-Driven Sci-Fi

date_range History
History - What is Elementals-Verse (placeholder)’s history?

There is a group of people in the world who can control certain forms of matter and energy. They are NOT called “Elementals”, in-universe they are called energy-anomalies or matter-anamolies. (when referring to both types “anomalies” is used generally) by citizens and the group hunting them, they begin to use this term to describe themselves as a reclamation. These people are plentiful throughout the world and are technically the next step in human evolution, however an organization named S.P.E.A.R.S (Stealth and Precision Energy-Anomaly Retrieval Squad), hence the term anomaly, have systematically hunted down all of these people until there is only 6 known ones left. These 6 are all college students who attend the same college, they must find each other through unlikely means. Eventually further into the story two more join them. This group must face the organization, who are the main villains for the majority of Season 1.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

Certain humans (anomalies) have the power to psionically control certain types of energy and matter or “elements”. There are two types of anomalies; energy-anomalies and matter-anomalies. Their abilities are similar with slight differences. Energy-anomalies are able to generate and create the energy they control from within their own bodies, expelling it through their hands. Matter-anomalies, however, can not create physical matter, they must control it from an already existing-source. However, all matter anomalies can solidify and liquify matter into other states. The water-anomaly, for example, can turn both water into ice and vice versa. The metal-anomaly is able to reshape metal by liquefying then re-solidifying it. This will become much more advanced and go into deeper detail with the appearance of Jade much later on. The villains will have abilities that do not necessarily follow these rules, and are generally much more powerful (Not yet sure why, likely genetic experimentation/enhancement by SPEARS.)

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

No magic, all science.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

S.P.E.A.R.S who are hunting down the evolved humans (anomalies) develop technology specifically to counter their powers. Generally technology is the same as ours but slightly more advanced.

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Elementals-Verse (placeholder)?

Avatar: The Last Airbender
inFAMOUS franchise
The Old Guard

folder_open Characters
This universe contains...
11 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Absorbing Villain Villain
group Emmet Harper 6th ranger
group Space/Gravity Villain Main villain antagonist
group Time Villain
group Kendra Marr Love-Interest, Self-Sacrificer
group Cole Isaac Outsider
group Jordan Cyrus Hothead
group Ashley Jade 7th ranger. Amateur with her powers who is mentored by rest of team.
group Lucy Stone Soul of the group.
group Dani Rodriguez Team Leader, Main Protagonist
group Eugene Sterling Heart of the group, brings everyone together (and keeps them that way).

Elementals-Verse (placeholder) appears in the following documents

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