Kendra Marr
Love-Interest, Self-Sacrificer
Dreads, one side longer
Brown? probably
Dani (her partner), herself, making a difference.
Doesn't understand those with powers at first, (doesn't have them at first), doesn't want them when she gets them, but eventually overcomes this.
Against those with powers slightly at first.
Talented leader and very active in school and volunteer activities.
Mostly volunteering, whether at school or other environments.
Loving, caring person, but takes responsibilities very seriously and doesn't treat friends or lovers as "more important" than her responsibilities.
Current College student
Her accepting but strict parents offered to help pay for college IF she worked as hard as possible and put effort into pursuing activities furthering possible career prospects, leaving her with very little time to have fun.
Water Manipulation/Hydrokinesis
Ice Manipulation/Cryokinesis and Steam Manipulation/Atmoskinesis inherently acquired
Control other liquids through the water within them
Can solidify/liquify/sublimate water in all 3 forms
Highly pressurized water blasts allows for cutting through objects
Blocking high-velocity objects such as bullets with water slows them down, effectively rendering them useless
Due to being matter, can only control existing water, not generate or create it
Can only control other liquids as long as an amount of water is present in them, i.e can not control oil.
Intern at a charity organization