Ashley Jade
7th ranger. Amateur with her powers who is mentored by rest of team.
Female (maybe nonbinary?)
Younger than rest of group (older teen maybe?) (high school?) idk
Pixie cut (but like in the cool nonbinary way yk not the Karen way)
Short, skinny, scrawny
Hesitant to learn more about powers at first, can sometimes be too stubborn and uncompromising. This causes quite a bit of clashing and butting heads with Dani
Resilient, uuncompromising, stronger than you would expect.
Mineral Manipulation
Nature Manipulation (too broad?)
Earth Manipulation (soo boring/overdone, LAST resort)
Sand Manipulation
Gravel Manipulation
Magma Manipulation
Diamond Manipulation
Ash Manipulation
Clay Manipulation
Brick Manipulation
Concrete Manipulation
Cement Manipulation
The process of solidifying and liquifying minerals allows for a much more creative and broader use than water or metal.
Examples include
Sand > Glass
Magma > Igneous Rock
Ash > Wood
Cement > Concrete
Clay > Brick
and vice versa for all.
Due to being matter, can only control existing minerals/earth, not generate or create it.
Despite earth and mineral impurities existing in certain metals, it is too low and not pure enough as in glass or brick for her to be able to control it.