One story - original fiction
Adventure, fantasy
Begins in 2020
In the early 1950s, Theo Alanis, Charles Clarke, and Mia Riley found the Realmway in the woods behind Charles' house. When they went through, they met Maiejal Admedyha, the ruler of the Realm, who showed them their unicorns. Not long after their first adventure as bellagarae, they met Maiecka Stel, daughter of Admedyha. A couple of years went by and the four friends slowly drifted apart. Charles and Mia stopped coming after a while, leaving Theo and Stel to defend the Realm by themselves. However, one of Theo and Stel's missions nearly turned fatal and Charles and Mia returned to the magical land to aid them. After nearly a decade of adventures, Charles and Mia were married. Stel decided to permanently move to the human world and marry Theo. After the marriages, the four stopped visiting the Realm because Heath Alanis and Jamie Clarke were born. The bellagarae agreed to turn over their responsibilities to another generation and to keep their children away from the dangers in the Realm. In order to do so, they moved to Orlando. However, when Heath and Jamie had children of their own, both families moved back to Texas, right back to the old home with the Realmway.
Latin-based (differing from the Wizarding World)