info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Luxarian Chronicles

Genre - What genre best describes Luxarian Chronicles?


date_range History
gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Luxarian Chronicles?

The elves and fairies are the main bearers of magic. The elves get their magic from Silver Spring

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Luxarian Chronicles?

somewhere between the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution

edit Notes
This universe contains...
7 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Ankia
flag Las Avenidas
flag Clarion
flag Billedonia This country no longer exists. It was wiped out 3 years ago by the Black Coats following The Great War.
flag Elven Falls
flag Fairy Glade A clearing in the forest. The fairies tend to stay near the river, and are friends with the [[Race-39366]] of [[Country-12920]]
flag Luxaria

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Black Coats An elite group of elven assassins

1 landmark reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Silver Spring A river running through the [[Location-195503]], beginning in the ocean and ending in the waterfalls of [[Country-12920]].

9 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies Backstory - Alisiana During [[Scene-16679]], [[Character-909207]] died, despite Alisiana's efforts to save him. The arrow that killed him was shot from [[Character-909241]]'s bow. Alisiana knows this, and feels extreme...
local_movies Backstory - Viviana Viviana always felt overshadowed by her older sister [[Character-909238]], and Olivia was their parents' pride and joy. Viviana always felt judged and looked down upon for her flaming red hair. Eve...
local_movies Backstory - Prince Liam Liam is the crown prince of [[Building-2633]], and has had an arranged marriage with [[Character-909202]], since her birth. Before his third birthday, [[Group-23720]] stormed the castle and killed ...
local_movies The Great War
local_movies Backstory - Jeremiah Jeremiah's father was one of the best soldiers of the Luxarian army. Jeremiah was his only son and his oldest child, so he was expected to carry on the family name and legacy. His father taught him...
local_movies Backstory - Akadias
local_movies The Event/Backstory - Elves Once upon a time, the elves and humans had a strong alliance. The humans wanted to expand their kingdoms and began to cut down the trees in the forest, both for expansion and building materials. Th...
local_movies Backstory - Richard Richard was born to a middle-class family. He followed his father's trade of becoming a [[Job-2026]], and became very good at it. When [[Scene-16679]] began between [[Country-12919]] and [[Country-...
local_movies Backstory - Black Coats The Black Coats are a group of elves from [[Country-12921]] who are led by [[Character-909241]]. These elves are the most bitter and hateful toward the humans for destroying their forest years befo...

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