info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Insula?

A vast continent filled with monsters and magic. Insula consists of ten countries, each with it's own people and culture. This is just the over world, there are also nine more realms that are connected by the world tree. These realms are smaller and less inhabited. This universe is ruled by Norse gods and goddesses (Mostly).

Genre - What genre best describes Insula?


date_range History
History - What is Insula’s history?

Way far back at the beginning of time, there were three gods, Odin, Thor, and Loki. They each created different realms and they connected them by growing the world tree (a magical tree that people can use to transport between realms). They also magically created more gods (Such as Freya, Hel, etc.). And they each created animals, and monsters to live in their world. Hel (The shadow god) broke apart from the rest of the gods, several other gods sided with her too. Then the god wars began. Hel thought that the world must be equally balanced between dark and light, she created all the evil in the world, but she couldn't control it. That led to her downfall, she was banished to her own realm, the shadow-realm. The other gods were forced to roam Insula with most of there magical powers stripped from them.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Insula?

The laws of physics are similar to earth's physics in the over world. But in some realms, it's different.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Insula?

Basic magic like realm traveling, can be mastered by all creatures. But in order to use advanced magic, you need to be a wizard or a god.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Insula?

So far, gunpowder hasn't been invented yet. Insula currently has medieval technology.

edit Notes
This universe contains...
4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Kork Gnome Leader, Ottar's Arch-enemy
group Arthur Protagonist,
group Haysu (Dragon) Minor protagonist
group Ottar Minor Protagonist

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Wildera Wildera is one of the 10 countries of Insula. Like a lot of them, they are controlled by different groups that are sometimes at war. Wildera is mostly controlled by the humans, but the gnomes contr...

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Sapphire Sword The magical sapphire was one of the twelve magical gemstones that were created by the gods. It was later turned into a sword.
emoji_events Cat's Eye of Life A magical cat's eye gemstone that was crafted by the gods. It is one of twelve magical gemstones. It has the ability to revive people, heal the undead etc. It only has so much power though, when it...

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