info Overview
Name - What is Arthur’s full name?


Role - What is Arthur’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Arthur go by?

the sapphire knight of Insula

Gender - What is Arthur’s gender?


Age - How old is Arthur?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Arthur weigh?

185 pounds

Height - How tall is Arthur?


Hair Color - What color is Arthur’s hair?

Dark Brown

Hair Style - How does Arthur style their hair?

Long messy hair that never sits down.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arthur have?


Eye Color - What is Arthur’s eye color?


Race - What is Arthur’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Average height and thin

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Arthur have?

A scar on his wrist, unnatural veins popping out on his chest.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Arthur have?

Stubborn, shy

Prejudices - What prejudices does Arthur have?

Doesn't like most foreign folk, he just does his own thing with his companions

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arthur have?

He tries lots of hobbies, and switches in between them. He has so many that a can't even name them all. Here are some of them: Woodcarving, drawing, writing, fencing, painting, sculpting, metal working.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Arthur practice?

He doesn't worship any gods, he met some though.

Occupation - What is Arthur’s occupation?

He does things for himself.

Favorite color - What is Arthur’s favorite color?

Emerald green

Favorite food - What is Arthur’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Arthur’s favorite possession?

His sapphire sword

Favorite weapon - What is Arthur’s favorite weapon?

Short sword

Favorite animal - What is Arthur’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Arthur’s birthday?

March 23

Education - What is Arthur’s level of education?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Arthur

This character was created by Rowan on

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