info Overview
Name - What is Cat's Eye of Life’s full name?

Cat's Eye of Life

Item Type - What type of item is Cat's Eye of Life?

Gemstone (Cat's Eye)

Description - Describe Cat's Eye of Life.

A magical cat's eye gemstone that was crafted by the gods. It is one of twelve magical gemstones. It has the ability to revive people, heal the undead etc. It only has so much power though, when it has used up all it's power, it shatters.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Cat's Eye of Life made out of?

Cat's eye, it has a golden chain on it.

Weight - How much does Cat's Eye of Life weigh?

58.5 grams

date_range History
Year it was made - When was Cat's Eye of Life made?

At the beginning of time

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Cat's Eye of Life possess?

It has the ability to revive people, heal the undead etc. It only has so much power though, when it has used up all it's power, it shatters.

edit Notes
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