info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Warmth of the Sun

Description - How would you describe Warmth of the Sun?

Equivilant of ours, yet with a twist of Greek Mythology.

book History
History - What is Warmth of the Sun’s history?

Gods didn't help. Zeus sat on his behind, and cowered away from helping our Mothers. Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth came to our aid, overthrowing Cronos (Or Kronos) and saving us all. In return of her kind nature, us nymphs had felt her warmth, and we created her the first hearth, as a sign of our blessings. She accepted it, and from her helping us all, she welcomed us nymphs, satyrs, and everything in between.

After Mother Hestia freed the other Gods and Goddesses, she took her sisters to become part of her Council. Demeter was to oversee the life force itself, with her association with plants giving her an advantage of seeing the life force already. Hera was supposed to rule side by side with Hestia, representing the Mother's force for her family.
The males weren't forgotten, but no male was allowed to set foot into the Holy Hill, the place where many of the Council meetings took place.

In return for creating Fortunate Islands, Perses demanded Hestia bless his new daughter, Hecate with her magic. At first, Demeter nearly strangled Perses for demanding such a thing of the Mother Goddess, but Hestia, kind by nature asked Demeter to stop and see his Daughter. When Hestia saw how Hecate was placed between two torches, the flames lighting up her hands that already had bright sparks of magic, Hestia instantly blessed her with the knowledge of Magic, and crossroads.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Warmth of the Sun?

Due to our Mother of all, being Hestia, the first magic every female child uses is water, at the age of 6 to balance out the fire power boys start at the age of puberty.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Warmth of the Sun?

Same as our world.

edit Notes
history Changelog
folder_open Appearance
Hair Color

The hair color of one such as ours, will always be two things. Since our mother Hestia took pity in Hecate, the daughter of her brother Posidon who had

This universe contains...
4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Reed Ripley Zink Main Four/Hunter's BFF
group Diana Faye Main character
group Hunter Temminick Love Interest/Main chareter/One of the four main charecters.
group Whimsical Berry Zink Main 4/Diana's BFF

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Fortunate Islands A world where those who are destined for greatness are born, and those descendant or blessed from the Sisters (or Descendants of those blessed) live.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events The Scrunchiest of the Scrunchies A magical scrunchie for your hair. Nobody knows the true color of the scrunchie, because depending on who sees it, it changes how it looks. Basically, to Reed it appears yellow, while according to...
emoji_events Ball of Archive A magic eight ball like creation, but if one of the Faye bloodline touch it, the ball will create a world map which one can project whereever one wishes. In this map, one is able to search for a pa...

This universe was created by Leaf Faye on

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