info Overview
Name - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s full name?

Reed Ripley

Gender - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Reed Ripley Zink go by?

Bro, and Beanpole by Whimsy.

Role - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s role in your story?

Main Four/Hunter's BFF

Age - How old is Reed Ripley Zink?

165 years - Sorry, 16 and a half.

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Reed Ripley Zink style their hair?

He keeps it really long, and back in a low ponytail.

Hair Color - What color is Reed Ripley Zink’s hair?

Butter Blonde

Height - How tall is Reed Ripley Zink?

6 ft - Beanpole

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Reed Ripley Zink have?

There's a scar on the back of his neck, Verticlal, and is covered up by his ponytail.

Skin Tone

Sandy colored.

Race - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s race?

He is the only recorded "male" who has a twin nymph

Eye Color - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s eye color?

Ice Blue- Yes, it's natural. Stop bugging him.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Reed Ripley Zink have?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Reed Ripley Zink have?

He believes that there's no harm in having a silvertongue. He also is very manipulative, using others to get what he wants.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Reed Ripley Zink have?

Hello Flirty McFlirt. Or, Mr. Smooth. He's a silvertongue

Motivations - What motivates Reed Ripley Zink most?

He wishes to learn to control his demon, and to find out who cursed him.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Reed Ripley Zink have?

That the Goddesses care for no men, and that people will always come back to forgive him.

Talents - What talents does Reed Ripley Zink have?

Silvertongue, and he's extremely smooth.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Reed Ripley Zink have?

Surprisingly, he bakes. (He's a really good baker too) He prefers to make cupcakes.

Personality type - What personality type is Reed Ripley Zink?

He's a smooth dude, who is your typical beach boy. Yes, he cares for his friends, but he sometimes can take things to far.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s favorite food?

He prefers Cupcakes.

Favorite color - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s favorite color?

Pink. Nope, don't question it. His favorite colors are pink and green.

Occupation - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s occupation?

Student a Silveroak High for Boys.

Politics - What politics does Reed Ripley Zink have?

He believes the Goddesses do not care for the people, and that a Man should be allowed among the Sister Council

Religion - What religion does Reed Ripley Zink practice?


Favorite weapon - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s favorite weapon?

He prefers using his silvertongue over fighting with weapons, however he does rely on his magic too much.

Favorite animal - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s favorite possession?

His Scrunchie, gifted by his sister, Whimsy.

info History
Birthday - When is Reed Ripley Zink’s birthday?

May 13th.

Education - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s level of education?

He's failing every class in school. Unless you introduce him to Magical Education, then he's an ace.

Background - What is Reed Ripley Zink’s background?

He's the sibling of Whimsy, and he controls a certain demon inside he tries to not let out.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Reed Ripley Zink have?

A Parrot who he taught to flirt with people the moment they entered his house

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Leaf Faye on

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