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This universe contains...
2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Maledictus Gladio The reason why archangel Michael fell from heaven, this sword was his greatest creation. A sword strong enough to strike down Lucifer himself maledictus gladio was created with the blood of angels,...
emoji_events Scythe of The Red Sea Light Smooth Blade is like a shark tooth Gem on top left of blade by handle

2 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Hellhounds Originally, they were meant to transport people to and from the underworld, but during the past few centuries many have been captured to demons to use as trackers
pets Ogres Ogres are in the Fairy Family. They're

5 races reorder
face Races close
face Vampires Everyone knows of Vampires, even those who don't know the full truth behind them. In the most basic terms, Vampires are 'people' who live off of blood. The type of blood doesn't matter as much as l...
face Werewolves
face Mage No one knows the origins of Mages. Some say they're Nephilim - half angel half human hybrids - and others say they're
face Hunters Hunters are the bridge between things human, and inhuman.
face The Fae Members of The Fae are the offspring of demons and angels. It can be argued that Titania, Queen of the Fairies, was the first in existence. Only, no one knows who gave birth to her, or where she ca...

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