info Overview
Name - What is Mage named?


Other names - What other names do Mage have?


Description - How would you describe Mage's people?

No one knows the origins of Mages. Some say they're Nephilim - half angel half human hybrids - and others say they're

face Looks
Notable features - What physical features on a Mage are most noticeable?

Today Mages have taken on a more human appearance, but some

Body shape - What does the average Mage body shape look like?

Over the years, Mages have taken on many shapes and forms. Some of the oldest mages to date can either have moose like heads with human bodies, or even fully immersed themselves into nature.

General height - How tall is the average Mage?


General weight - How heavy is the average Mage?


Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Mage race?

Other than demons, they may be the most varied

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Mage individuals?

It's modern day, they wear whatever they want

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Mage?

Mages don't age like we do. They're not ageless like Vampires are, they just age very, very slowly. They're are a handful of Mages who are thousands of years old, and only few more who are centuries old.

Essentially, a Mages magic is limitless. They can use as much as they desire, but that doesn't mean it won't kill them. I Mages magic can only go as far as the Mages themselves. It's mental, physical and emotional.

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Mage?

A Mages magic can be hindered by their mental state. Their magic changes with them. Things like traumatic events, and life changing decisions can change the magic.

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history Changelog
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