info Overview
Name - What is Maledictus Gladio’s full name?

Maledictus Gladio

Item Type - What type of item is Maledictus Gladio?


Description - Describe Maledictus Gladio.

The reason why archangel Michael fell from heaven, this sword was his greatest creation. A sword strong enough to strike down Lucifer himself maledictus gladio was created with the blood of angels, and essence of demons. Both too holy for demons to wield, and too tainted to the holy, the sword was unusable. Although, the angel found a way. After he fell from grace, he scanned the earth with someone worthy to gain the abilities to wield it, and after centuries, he fell upon the Brownwell family. They were Hunters, meaning they had some of God's grace within them, and had a powerful will, something they needed if they wanted to gain the abilities needed to wield such a blade. Knowing no being would foolish enough, he fooled them, telling them that it was special missions from the angels, that they were the only one's capable enough to wield something as string and as sacred as a blade crafted by his hands. As expected of them, the Brwonwell family happily agreed. The fallen angel took head of the family, and injected him with the essence of several demons.

redeem Looks
Weight - How much does Maledictus Gladio weigh?

Becomes accustomed to the weight of the wielder

Materials - What is Maledictus Gladio made out of?

Damascus, Angel blood, demon essence

book History
Year it was made - When was Maledictus Gladio made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Maledictus Gladio possess?

Burns both things holy and demonic. If used by someone outside of the Brownwell family, will cause said person to become insane, and will eventually be their own demise.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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