info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

C.A.P.S Town

Description - How would you describe C.A.P.S Town?

C.A.P.S. Town is the town that sprung up around the C.A.P.S. Headquarters as a convenient place for the staff to live while they're working for the postal service.

Other names - What other names is C.A.P.S Town known by?

Mail City, Rito Town

face Culture
Politics - What are the politics like in C.A.P.S Town?

The town is typically held together by the contract; if an employee living there is suspected of any wrongdoing, they can be terminated without legal recourse, so everyone generally acts their best in order to keep their jobs.

Thanks to a deal that Mr. Perelli managed to strike with the kingdoms of Hyrule, any land that is officially occupied by C.A.P.S. is tax-free. To prevent outsiders from taking advantage of this tax-free, "lawless" zone (since it's not legal to actively discriminate against settlers within the Kingdom of Hyrule, where the town is located), all goods and services within the town are required to be paid for with "Wing Tickets", a currency that only C.A.P.S. employees are paid with and can be exchanged for rupees.

Laws - What are the major laws in C.A.P.S Town?

While there's no official "law" in the town, being as it's not governed by any kingdom, all denizens of the town sign a contract that allows for their termination from C.A.P.S. if they are caught causing menace, mayhem, or otherwise making life difficult for their fellow coworkers. Things that are generally considered unlawful such a theft, assault, and murder are among the many offenses that can get one kicked out of C.A.P.S.

The town is a dry town; any alcohol found in possession leads to immediate termination.

Sports - What sports are popular in C.A.P.S Town?

Aerial archery was adopted as the official sport of the town to boost morale as well as to help mail carrying employees hone their self defense skills, and all employees, whether they live in town or not, are required to participate in at least one tournament per season.

timeline History
Established year - When was C.A.P.S Town founded?

004 E.C.

Founding story - How was C.A.P.S Town founded?

C.A.P.S. Town was established as a way to solve the problem of housing for all the Rito who previously lived in Rito Village, being that the village was much too far away from their place of work.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
folder_open Places of Interest
Municipal buildings

C.A.P.S Headquarters

Landmarks - What landmarks are in C.A.P.S Town?

The Stone Talus that rests just above the town

Hateno Tower

The landing platforms

The massive holes in the foundation

Shopping areas

Mail Time: a mail carrier accessory shop where carriers can purchase personalized equipment to fit their fashion and style

Various shops around town, including a general store, a butchery shop, a few clothing shops, an archery shop, etc.

Recreational areas

The archery range

Places to eat

Divebomber: an eatery that serves roasted and steamed fish that's freshly and locally caught every hour on the hour

folder_open Misc. Info
Population size

150 Rito, 30 Hylians


Located on the Cliffs of Quince in Necluda, right next to Hateno Village and the Hateno Tower.


Mail and packages


Wing Tickets (WT), Rupees (R)


Mild temperatures and varied seasons, warm and wet summers and cold winters, 30 inches of precipitation per year

autorenew Sustainability
Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked C.A.P.S Town

This town was created by Ammy M. on

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