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Lorsaera is located downriver from Kamaria along the southeastern coast of Rothary.

While Kamaria is known as the clerical hub, most who live there don't take much action in terms of hunting down evil in the world and would rather remain somewhat insular - tending to the temples and training religious individuals with no practical skills outside of that.

This is why Lorsaera was established. There were those in Kamaria who wanted to use their holy abilities to hunt things that preyed upon innocent people. From vampires to lycanthropes, fiends to extraplanar entities, anything was up to be hunted if it was hurting people. When the leadership of Kamaria did not agree to this a group picked up and headed downriver, setting up and quickly attracting those who shared their sentiments.

Now they are Hunters, seeking to keep people safe and often called out to various places where evil lurks.

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