Valderius Goldhand
Starlight Squad - Taurus
140 pounds
March 31st
Val grew up among those who taught that certain creatures were always a threat to innocents. No vampire can exist ethically, no lycanthrope will ever not be a threat to those around it. And she carried those opinions well into her adulthood, as well as knowing that she would inherit the powers of the Taurus for The Starlight Squad.
Few others within the group agree with her methods, thinking that all sentient creatures can make the choice to coexist peacefully. Val knows better; if anything does then it's a front to try and save themselves and they don't mean it. And thankfully unless the Starlight Squad needs to come together for some reason they don't really interact with one another so she's free to use her powers to continue to hunt.
This character was created by Sigilmancy on
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