info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Asyathlona?

This city is the capitol of Terrana. It houses pretty much all of the nobles and most importantly, the king. It has a large population and so there's usually some pretty good trade going on.

Other names - What other names is Asyathlona known by?

The Capitol
The Royal City

map Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Asyathlona?

The castle, The Magical Harp - Tavern and Inn,

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Asyathlona?

The square is usually pretty busy because it houses most of the market district. The area around the Magical Harp Tavern is pretty busy at night and on the weekends and during festivals.

face Culture
date_range History
Founding story - How was Asyathlona founded?

As the people of the original kingdom of Terrana fled from the humans as they invaded their land, they ran through the Darkwood Forest. Many people were lost along the way. Eventually the guardian spirit of the forest Danaria allowed them to settle near the center of the woods. Some settled near the lake. Others went a little further north and settled in the now Asyathlona.

autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Asyathlona get their food from?

All the food is grown, hunted, or fished for. There is a lake nearby that provides the fish and one of the nearby towns farms animals.

Energy sources - Where does Asyathlona get their energy from?

They don't use electricity.

edit Notes
Building chevron_right Description link mentioned Asyathlona

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Asyathlona

Creature chevron_right Notable features link mentioned Asyathlona

Tradition chevron_right Towns link mentioned Asyathlona

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