account_box Basics
Name - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s full name?

King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Other names - What other aliases does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi go by?

King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi


Painfully Straight

Gender - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s gender?

Cisgender Male

Role - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s role in your story?

King of Terrana
He's the Umbridge of the universe

Age - How old is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi?


accessibility Looks
Eye Color - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s hair?

Once a dark oak brown now greying, almost white.

Hair Style - How does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi style their hair?

Slicked back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

Beard, short
Salt and pepper but mostly salt

Skin Tone

He has white skin but it was once tan from training/battles, but now that has faded
The skin has started becoming spotted from old age. It looks like worn out leather

Height - How tall is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi?

5' 10"

Weight - How much does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi weigh?

274 lb (American)

Linked Races

Body Type

Was strong and muscular but now he's old and out of shape. Kind of short and stubby and a lil' fat

Race - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

A scar over his left eye leaving him blind.
Many wrinkles

sentiment_neutral Nature

Old. Bones hurty

Hobbies - What hobbies does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

He enjoys reading/gardening

Motivations - What motivates King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi most?

Hate for others

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

Headstrong, disrespectful of most people, only thinks of himself

Flaws - What flaws does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

Hates other people so much that he's blind sighted

Prejudices - What prejudices does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

Blindsighted hate humans, and anything to do with them (Sam is Half-human so he doesn't like her much)

Talents - What talents does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

Sword fighting/battle strategy/his powers

Magical abilities

groups Social
Job - What job does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

King of Terrana

Favorite animal - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s favorite animal?

Hunting hounds

Favorite color - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s favorite food?

Anything extravagent

Religion - What religion does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi practice?

He practices the the religion of the Four Gods only for show. He believes he's above them.

Politics - What politics does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

He is the politics

Occupation - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s occupation?

High King of Terrana (Some of the other kingdoms have for than one king so being "High king" is just an option for a title so he took it cause it sounds cooler

Favorite possession - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s favorite possession?

His crown, his kingdom, his wife, and his sword in that order

Favorite weapon - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s favorite weapon?

his sword

Languages spoken


As the king he technically owns any of the palace animals that don't belong to someone else. So all the horses that are just "palace horses" are technically his. He does have a strong liking for breeding hunting dogs though.

import_contacts History
Education - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s level of education?

Very smart
knows many things, if not everything that happens in his kingdom

Background - What is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s background?

Has always lived in Terrana, doesn't care what other people think because he can do whatever he wants to them considering that he's the king and all. He's very small and blind sighted and so that limits what he thinks.

Birthday - When is King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi’s birthday?

December 18

wc Family
Pets - What pets does King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi have?

All the animals at the palace technically belong to him unless they are specifically given to someone else or are from a different kingdom

shopping_basket Inventory

His magic and a sword and sheild.

history Changelog
layers Notes
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Politics link mentioned King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Building chevron_right Owner link mentioned King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Building chevron_right Tenants link mentioned King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Building chevron_right Affiliation link mentioned King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Magic chevron_right Deities link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Job link mentioned King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

Character chevron_right Grandparent(s) link linked King Roald Ellion Peter Alevi

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