info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Havenside?

A small village founded in the ruins of old Havensgaid Plaza, a district of a capital city once known as Solphere

Other names - What other names is Havenside known by?

Havenside Village

group Populace
folder_open Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Havenside?

Cabins and farmhouses nestled between ancient faer towers

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Havenside?

The ruins of Havensgaid Plaza

face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in Havenside?

Crimes punishable by death or banishment:
- the murder of a fellow villager
- the assault of a fellow villager
- the harboring an Irregular
- the practice of magic without a license
- the theft of a villager's private property

Sports - What sports are popular in Havenside?

Sports games involving leather balls and metal horseshoes are quite popular among the residents of Havenside. To those seeking spectacle, however, the local farmhands often gather in town square to prove their strength through wrestling.

Politics - What are the politics like in Havenside?

The village of Havenside governs itself, away from city-state politics. A group of elders, ones hand picked by the community to lead, preside over any major decisions regarding lawbreakers and the distribution of resources.

date_range History
Established year - When was Havenside founded?

278 NE

edit Notes
autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Havenside get their food from?

Food is, for the most part, directly sourced from the farms circling the outer walls of the village. Herbs and mushrooms can be scavenged in the neighboring woodlands, and while hunting doesn't play a major part, some of the local fauna have been domesticated into livestock.

Energy sources - Where does Havenside get their energy from?

Man power in Havenside keeps everything functioning smoothly

Recycling - How are objects reused or recycled in Havenside?

Everything is reused until it is no longer viable, in which case it is upcycled or left for kindling

Waste - How much waste is produced in Havenside?

Very little. Resources are scarce, and what little is gained cannot afford to go to waste

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Havenside

Location chevron_right Largest cities link linked Havenside

Location chevron_right Small Townships link linked Havenside

Location chevron_right Notable Places link linked Havenside

This town was created by Chris on

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