info Overview
Name - What is Ainsley’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Ainsley go by?


Role - What is Ainsley’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Ainsley?


Gender - What is Ainsley’s gender?

Non-Binary (She/He/They)

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Ainsley style their hair?

Fluffy, with the front ends pulled and pinned. Small bangs rest along the center of her forehead.

Hair Color - What color is Ainsley’s hair?


Height - How tall is Ainsley?


Weight - How much does Ainsley weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ainsley have?

  • thick brows

  • moles; two decorate the corner of her left eye

  • a distinct, golden glow when flustered

Body Type

Round and Soft; Triangle Shaped

Skin Tone


Race - What is Ainsley’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ainsley’s eye color?


Voice Claim

Susan Egan (Rose Quartz)

fingerprint Nature
Magical abilities


Forced Irregularity: the act of forcing a God to inhabit a mortal body, one who's soul is still in tact.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ainsley have?

Normal- often taps her fingers against a hard surface when sitting or standing idly
Excited- smiles, maybe laughs a little if she's REALLY excited
Annoyed- lots of sighing, sometimes balls her hands into fists or tugs at her hair
Angry- snarls, swears, and grits their teeth, only shouts when they're furious
Upset- grows quiet, shuts down any attempts at comfort and pushes forward
Distressed- trembles, unable to hold back their tears. Curls up like a frightened child
Lying- body is stiff, but otherwise masked perfectly
Flustered- lots of blushing and awkward silence, struggles to make eye contact
Bored- reaches for an item to fiddle with, or finds an activity to keep him busy

Motivations - What motivates Ainsley most?

Finding the man who turned him into an Irregular, striving to finish the Kollygere

Flaws - What flaws does Ainsley have?

  • Forgetful. Often trying to balance more than one task at a time, but inevitably forgets or misplaces something important. Her workspace is a disaster as a result. Needs a trusted friend to keep her on the right track, lest something be forgotten entirely.

  • Blunt. He doesn't always think before he speaks.

  • Reserved. She always insists that the only company a person needs is themselves, and will make an effort to shut out anyone trying to get close beyond a professional level. This results in Ainsley coming off as standoffish and rude, even spiteful at times. She wasn't always like this, however.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ainsley have?

Ainsley have a strong prejudice towards Irregulars and the godlike souls that inhabit them, an opinion born from the culture she was raised in and her own negative experiences/lack of understanding. They remain firm and steadfast in their beliefs, regardless of their circumstances

Talents - What talents does Ainsley have?

  • brews strong potions

  • cooks tasty and nutritious foods

  • studies and interprets ancient texts

  • speaks numerable dead languages

  • becomes the mom friend (unwillingly so)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ainsley have?

Gathering material for the Kollygere, occasionally cooks

Personality type - What personality type is Ainsley?


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Ainsley’s favorite animal?

Pill bugs

Favorite color - What is Ainsley’s favorite color?

Midnight Blue

Job - What job does Ainsley have?


Occupation - What is Ainsley’s occupation?

Licensed Alchemist

Politics - What politics does Ainsley have?

Neutral, not involved in city-state politics

Religion - What religion does Ainsley practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Ainsley’s birthday?

345 NE

Education - What is Ainsley’s level of education?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ainsley have?

Nyre (Dragon)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Pronouns are used interchangeably (She/He/They)

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This character was created by Chris on

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