info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

Goron City

Description - How would you describe Goron City?

The capital of Goron Country where a majority of the lands Gorons live and work.

Other names - What other names is Goron City known by?


group Populace
face Culture
Politics - What are the politics like in Goron City?

The Goron are generally laid back and apolitical, usually not understanding the political squabbles of the other countries.

Laws - What are the major laws in Goron City?

The main law is that all Goron must treat each other as brothers, and that working in the mine is compulsory for 10 years once of age.

Sports - What sports are popular in Goron City?

Roll racing, competitive rock-eating

timeline History
Established year - When was Goron City founded?

Before 10,000 E.A.

Founding story - How was Goron City founded?

Goron City is one of the oldest surviving settlements sine before the Great Flood.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
folder_open Places of Interest

The northern and southern mines

Municipal buildings

The Boss's house

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Goron City?

Death Mountain

Daruk's monument

Stolock Bridge

Shopping areas

Goron Gusto Shop general store

Ripped and Shredded armor shop

Rohan's Smithing Shop

Recreational areas

The Goron Hot Springs

Places to eat

Protein Palace: one of the only places in town that sells food suitable for tourists, and sells grilled meat

The Spice Rack: the other place that serves traditional food, whose specialty is curry made from the famous Goron spice

folder_open Misc. Info
Population size

1000 Gorons


The base Death Mountain


Gems and metals


Rupees (R)



autorenew Sustainability
Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Goron City

Country chevron_right Towns link linked Goron City

Landmark chevron_right Nearby towns link linked Goron City

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