info Overview
Name - What's the name of Turner 12c?

Turner 12c

Description - How would you describe Turner 12c?

Aberrant Planetoid

layers Geography
Size - How big is Turner 12c?

Size of a small moon

Surface - What is the surface of Turner 12c like?

Craters, ancient lava flows, a large cavity inside a crater

Climate - What's the climate on Turner 12c like?


Water Content - What's the water content like on Turner 12c?


Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Turner 12c?

High Pulse Content

hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Turner 12c?

22 hours

Length Of Night - How long is night time on Turner 12c?

18 hours

Night sky - What does the sky look like at night on Turner 12c?

Rather bright for night due to lots of nearby space debris

Day sky - What does the sky look like during the day on Turner 12c?

Dark with only the sun's light

face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Turner 12c?

None, Unknown, Extinct

star_border Astral
Moons - Does Turner 12c have any moons? If so, what are they?


Orbit - What does Turner 12c's astral orbit look like?


Suns - Does Turner 12c have any suns?

date_range History
First Inhabitants Story - How did the first inhabitants arrive on this planet?

Turner 12a is

World History - What is the world history of Turner 12c?

Turner 12c was discovered by the late porcine empire using their stastical analysis of The Great Empire remnant technology. Using patterns of the location of found "Aberrant Materials," namely Pulse derivatives, the porcine were able to calculate predicted locations for further analysis. Initially, these surveys were paid little mind by the Porcine government. However, when Porcine Materials Science uncovered that these materials could be used as a source of massive energy, and more importantly, a weaponizable energy, funding for surveys skyrocketed.

Turner 12 was initially ignored even during these happy times of high funding. Every calculation the Porcine ran indicated that there was a "Good" probability they would find Aberrant Materials at the Turner 12 system. However, they were reluctant to waste a survey craft's time because there was no detection of a planet anywhere in the system.

Eventually, the Porcine did get to Turner 12, and quickly wished they had come sooner. The system was devoid of planets, without a doubt. However, it did house a massive asteroid field instead. The largest asteroid, classified as a planetoid, contained a larger than expected amount of Aberrant Materials on and under the surface, and had a density order of magnitude higher than expected for bodies of its size. Turner 12c would be comperable to the gravity of a large moon, with half the size.

Further study indicated that the Planetoid, later named Turner 12c, was the ultra dense core of a now dead planet. Surface analysis of the planetoid and nearby asteroids were indicative of a common origin, but asteroids in higher and lower orbits contained different compositions. No less than 5 distinct compositions were found. Another observation was that most of the other asteroids had little to no cross contamination of each other. However, asteroids with Turner 12c composition always had at least one other composition with it, and Turner 12c itself was peppered with every composition in the system.

Turner 12c has a incredibly unique geographical structure, above its equator there is a massive crater, which contains a fracture in the planetoid's crust. The fracture extends most of the way to the core.

Due to the unusual quantity of Aberrant Materials, the Porcine got to work quickly building an extensive research facility on Turner 12c, called the Turner Aberration Research Facility (TAR). The TAR was built inside the Turner Chasm, which gave them easy access to the most scientifically valuable areas of Turner 12c, as well as protecting them from the frequent meteor showers.

After several years of drilling, the composition of the planet's core was found to have been inexplicably altered, with a significant portion of its volume being replaced by Aberrant Materials. After many further years of orbital analysis, the Porcine began to prove that the other 4 planets of Turner 12 had been destroyed, and that, since their debris' orbit had all stabilized to the same degree, it happened at the same time. Furthermore, the derivative compairison of each Turner planet's estimated orbit with the average debris and outlier debris, it was found that debris was significantly more likely to be found closer to Turner 12c than away from it. For example, Turner 12a's debris was mostly on the same orbit as the planet should have been, but the debris that wasn't was closer to Turner 12c than away from it. This is notable because Turner 12c is in a higher orbit than Turner 12a was. This is also true for Turner 12d, which is higher than Turner 12c. Turner 12d's outlier debris was in a lower orbit than Turner 12d, which is closer to Turner 12c.

Surface analysis of the Turner 12a, b, and d asteroids yielded further information. The asteroids in the expected orbits of the planets did not contain many dense materials, which is unexpected. Dense materials require more force to move, which means that they should be the closest to the original orbit of the planet. Absent as they were from the expect orbits, the outlying asteroids did contain a quantity of these dense materials, but such quantities appear to have arrived by impact. While the Porcine were unable to come up with a explaination for how it happened, they were confident that the Aberrant Materials were behind it.

edit Notes


fireplace Climate
Seasons - What seasons are there on Turner 12c?


Temperature - How hot does Turner 12c get? How cold? What's the average temperature?


Atmosphere - What does the atmosphere consist of on Turner 12c?


Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Turner 12c

Location chevron_right Planets link linked Turner 12c

Planet chevron_right In Orbit link linked Turner 12c

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