info Overview
Name - What is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)’s full name?

Aurinkoinen Luola
(Sunny Cave)

Description - Describe Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave).

A small, tight-knitted village nestled in a huge groove in the side of a crag, following alongside a rapid moving river and thick forest. Makeshift huts and houses line the inside of the caverns, as well as a lake and small waterfalls deeper within the crevice. An area of grassland and some forest also belongs to the village.

Type - What type of location is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?

Village settlement.

face Culture
Currency - What currencies are used in Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?

10 'Kivi' (equivalent to 10 pence) makes 10 'Kiviklusteri' (equivalent to 10 GBP)
Currency is of less value than trading crops, materials, stock and meals.

Language - What languages are spoken in Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?


Population - What is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)’s population?

Less than 1000.

Motto - What is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)’s motto?

'Nature preserves freedom.'

Laws - What are the laws in Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?

Aurinkoinen Luola laws are significantly more relaxed than the uptight laws of Kehitys. The most major laws include:

  1. All residents must not cross the border and enter the Unohdettu (forgotten land between the city and the village) unless with peaceful intentions or via invitation.

  2. No harmful pollutants may cross the Central Vihreä Silta at any time.

  3. Mechanical use must be limited.

  4. Cause no harm with intent upon anyone unless in a life threatening situation.

  5. Save children before adults.

The full scribe of laws are written on the Elämän Kirja, originally written by Häirikkö Jari Korhonen.

Sports - What sports are played in Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?

Horseback riding. Sometimes used in fun competition.
Horseshoe throwing.
Käsiball, a form of throw, catch and score game. Similar to netball.
Swimming and running races,

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)?

Unlike Kehitys , the climate varies through a routine and somewhat 'normal' cycle. Slightly warm yet damp springs, warmer summers, cool autumns and blustery, snowy winters. Though abnormal climate changes are brought often at surprising moments due to industrial experiments.

Area - What kind of area is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) in?

A hollowed out crag on the outskirts of a large neighbouring city, tucked between trees and rock and shrubbery. Holds a small lake tucked within the depth of the cave, and a number of small waterfalls that feed into this water supply.

Crops - What crops does Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) produce?

Herbs for remedies and forms of alchemy.
Seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Wheat, oats, a small variety of other crops.

Located at - Where is Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) located?

On the outskirts of Kehitys , a large industrialised city. Surrounded by a large forest which is often unexplored and untouched (for now).

book History
Founding Story - How was Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) founded?

This village was first introduced by an outcast of Kehitys , who rejected the industrial mentality and believed in a healthier and more natural alternative to life. This outcast was called Häirikkö Jari Korhonen , which translates to Troublemaker from Finnish. Häirikkö (once Jack) was given this name after he started the uprisings and protests back in 2000.

Häirikkö fought to create a more natural ecosystem within the caverns and small areas of greenery, and managed to establish a more natural settlement with other outcasts of Kehitys

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) been involved in?

There has been tension between Aurinkoinen Luola and Kehitys since 2003, though there has been no wars up until present (2045). There have been mere territorial scuffles between rogue city members and village people, but no serious casualties or battles have been fought. Yet.

Established Year - When was Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave) established?

Around 2003

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Aurinkoinen Luola (Sunny Cave)

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