info Overview
Name - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s full name?

Eeva Lintu Gable

Other names - What other aliases does Eeva Lintu Gable go by?

'Birdy', 'Free bird'

Role - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s role in your story?

Nature-obsessed teen longing for change (protagonist)

Age - How old is Eeva Lintu Gable?


Gender - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Eeva Lintu Gable style their hair?

Naturally tight, thick curls that reach the middle of her back, often messy and untamed.

Hair Color - What color is Eeva Lintu Gable’s hair?

A rusty-auburn redhead.

Height - How tall is Eeva Lintu Gable?

5ft 6

Weight - How much does Eeva Lintu Gable weigh?

8.5 Stone

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

A light sprinkle of pale ginger freckles across her nose and cheeks and a muddy brown birthmark in the shape of an oval upon her left upper thigh.

Body Type

Pretty much straight-up-straight-down, no defined curves or muscles.

Skin Tone

Very pale, with smatterings of freckles and moles.

Race - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s race?

Human (white)

Eye Color - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s eye color?

A deep, dark shade of grey with a hint of blue.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

Eeva is very easily persuaded, and will always hold a secret, even if she is not meant to.
She also has a soft spot for 'rebels' as such, and people who meddle with dark medicine.
She can be quite childish when over-excited, and is very easily lead.
Some view her as simply gullible, whilst those close to her are aware of her good intentions.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

Eeva can be seen as a passive, fragile creature to those who do not know her personally.
She keeps herself to herself, and tends to look away from people when speaking to them.
Eeva also has a tendency to chew her nails when nervous.

Motivations - What motivates Eeva Lintu Gable most?

Eeva is highly motivated by promising her mother that she will take care of her younger brother, Aatto Aaro Gable.
She also finds motivation from herself and the desire to make change, as well as the

Prejudices - What prejudices does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

She strongly believes that the world will soon suffer for the actions of those in Kehitys , and yearns to stop their industrialisation of the world.
Eeva holds a rooted disdain towards those living in Kehitys, induced by her upbringing in Aurinkoinen Luola
(Sunny Cave)

Talents - What talents does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

Eeva is a very skilled poet, and holds to ability to compel those around her with her words.
Eeva is also near professional with Horticulture, and takes pride in her herb garden.
She holds special bonds with animals, and is often asked by the village farrier and animal doctors to help.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

Eeva loves gardening and creating home remedies/poultices for the residents of Aurinkoinen Luola
(Sunny Cave)
She also enjoys horseriding, writing, as well as helping to teach the younger children of the village.

Personality type - What personality type is Eeva Lintu Gable?

She is a quiet, gentle person who does not seem to be hurtful at all.
Eeva finds peace within Aurinkoinen Luola
(Sunny Cave)
and the poetry she creates. Compassionate, Eeva also adores younger children and the forest around her.
She holds a deep, almost spiritual connection with the nature around her.
Most view her as kindhearted and selfless.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s favorite color?

Any shade of green.

Favorite possession - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s favorite possession?

A small knitted mouse given to her by her grandmother when she was only a baby.

Favorite food - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s favorite food?

Her mother's homemade lemon cake.

Occupation - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s occupation?

Unemployed. Though she does complete some side work for the villagers.

Politics - What politics does Eeva Lintu Gable have?

Eeva has little opinion, as the politics of Aurinkoinen Luola
(Sunny Cave)
is limited.
However, she is heavily against the policies of Kehitys and growing capitalism/industrialisation.

Religion - What religion does Eeva Lintu Gable practice?


Favorite animal - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s favorite weapon?

Her words.

info History
Background - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s background?

Eeva was born beside the river banks in Aurinkoinen Luola, a natural birth to her mother Lempeä. Since then, she has been raised in the small village close to nature, a calm and simple upbringing despite the absence of her father.

Education - What is Eeva Lintu Gable’s level of education?

Eeva can read and write, but has no extensive education due to where she is raised. She does have a large knowledge of horticulture, herbology and animal studies though.

Birthday - When is Eeva Lintu Gable’s birthday?

Approximately the 28/02/2100

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