info Overview
Name - What is City of the West’s full name?

City of the West

Type - What type of location is City of the West?

A city in Western Japan, protected by a magical, warding barrier to keep unwanted persons out.
Can only be found by those of the main Taisho lineage, however, you can be given a 'pass' of sorts that will lead you there 'with their permissions'.

Description - Describe City of the West.

Its a relatively small city, with one large mansion, belonging to the Lord, and several small manors belonging to vassals and minor lords, and their servants.
Beyond the welcoming gates, lie numerous small houses built in a relatively neat and semi-circular fashion, with large, scorched walls protecting the outside of the city from past invaders.
Has layouts of farmlands and ranches surrounding the City itself to feed the inhabitants, all within the greater barrier protecting the whole town from being found.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in City of the West?

Japanese, and various others from visiting nobles and such. Most inhabitants are fluent in at least Japanese and English to assist in bridging any language barriers.

Population - What is City of the West’s population?

A couple thousand at best. It can't really afford to house any more.
Welcomes any of demon heritage who wish to live safely away from human scorn.

Currency - What currencies are used in City of the West?

No real currencies. Most barter, or use silver and gold coins from the olden days.

Laws - What are the laws in City of the West?

There really aren't any laws, except to not kill anyone, because demons are so few and far between, that they need to work together to survive into the future.
Essentially: Be kind to one another, for demons live a very long time, and may take revenge centuries down the line.

Motto - What is City of the West’s motto?

"A place that can only be found by those who know where it is" - Jaden's average description of the place.

Sports - What sports are played in City of the West?

There are no official sports, considering it's a city in hiding. They do however, have plenty of soccer games in certain fields inside the barrier, considering demons are active creatures, and they can use their strength freely.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is City of the West in?

Grasslands and forests.

Crops - What crops does City of the West produce?

They grow rice, for the most part, but they also grow vegetables from home markets and surrounding areas. They mostly handle in livestock kept in the massive grasslands surrounding the walled city.

Located at - Where is City of the West located?

Western Japan

Climate - What is the climate like in City of the West?

Fairly mild year round, perfect for growing crops consistently.
Weather is regulated by the magical barrier surrounding the City, producing the best crop results.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was City of the West founded?

The previous Lords of the Western Lands built their mansion here, followed by their closest followers settling around them, offering minuscule protection from invaders--though who needs stone walls when you have very powerful demon kings protecting them?

Established Year - When was City of the West established?

Early 10th century.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has City of the West been involved in?

None really. No one bothered to attack them directly.
Only notable incident would be the "Downfall of the West", wherein humans attempted to drown out the last demon bastion of strength, and the walls were burned to uphold the illusion that the city was lost in a smoldering blaze. After the flames died down, the current Lord of the Western Lands had a djinn assist in placing a magical barrier around their lands to keep unwanted visitors out.

edit Notes

The barrier is not a solid, glassy line, per se, but more of a 'fog' that surrounds the entire area, with several spells to visibly hide the city, as well as confuse travelers (either by land or air) into losing their way and turning away from any of the actual lands. The only ones who can clearly navigate the effects of the barrier are those of the main Taisho line, or those given direct permission.


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