info Overview
Name - What is Izanami Kitade’s full name?

Izanami Kitade

Other names - What other aliases does Izanami Kitade go by?

Nami, Iza

Gender - What is Izanami Kitade’s gender?

Cis Female

Age - How old is Izanami Kitade?

909 years old

face Looks
Race - What is Izanami Kitade’s race?

Demon - Japanese

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Izanami Kitade have?

Magenta stripes on her cheeks and eyelids, marking her as part of the family.

Hair Color - What color is Izanami Kitade’s hair?

White, with black roots, that fade to white as they grow out.

Hair Style - How does Izanami Kitade style their hair?

Emo/Scene (//weeps)

Skin Tone

She's pale as fuck

Height - How tall is Izanami Kitade?

5' 10"

Body Type

Hourglass. Hates it. Wishes she had smaller hips.

Eye Color - What is Izanami Kitade’s eye color?

Golden, like amber.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Izanami Kitade have?

She is a woman. She doesn't have any numb-nuts.

Weight - How much does Izanami Kitade weigh?

165 lbs (all of it is her boobs)

fingerprint Nature

Kind, but aggressive and expressive in her opinions. Can come off as rude.



Hobbies - What hobbies does Izanami Kitade have?

She likes coming up with new recipes and building machines.

Talents - What talents does Izanami Kitade have?

She's really good at piano and cooking.

Flaws - What flaws does Izanami Kitade have?

Tends to get anxious easily. Afraid of dark, enclosed rooms. Can be insensitive, due to rough upbringing. Tries not to be a dick, but can't help it in some cases.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Izanami Kitade have?

She paces, and picks at her nails.

Motivations - What motivates Izanami Kitade most?

Discovery and new knowledge through science. Family.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Izanami Kitade have?

She doesn't have any prejudices against anyone. She is the second most open minded character I have.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Izanami Kitade’s favorite animal?

She loves canines of all kinds. She gets along especially well with dogs. The bigger the dog, the happier she is.

Favorite weapon - What is Izanami Kitade’s favorite weapon?

Demon Swords

Favorite possession - What is Izanami Kitade’s favorite possession?

She loves the red and blue striped tank top she got from Nomi.
The ring Ryan got her for their wedding.

Favorite food - What is Izanami Kitade’s favorite food?

She enjoys non-chocolatey sweets, such as taffies and caramels. She loves a good curry and beer brats.

Favorite color - What is Izanami Kitade’s favorite color?

She loves reds.

Religion - What religion does Izanami Kitade practice?


date_range History
Back Story

Long and convoluted as FUCK so here's the abridged: SHE WAS A MARY SUE WHEN I MADE HER. She came from another universe, and crash landed into this one, unable to go back. And thus she was forced to get along with the natives and even wound up befriending a few. Frustration at first sight to lovers with her hubby, Ryan. They traveled medieval Japan beating up bad guys and saving the country one Infinity Stone at a time lmao.

Ongoing Story

Lives in 2170s Tokyo, visiting her extended family and friends, caring for her family, and working to find a stable way back to her homeworld.

Birthday - When is Izanami Kitade’s birthday?

January 17th, 1274.
5:00 AM.



Education - What is Izanami Kitade’s level of education?

Doctorates in medicine and various sciences

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Izanami Kitade have?



Father: (lord help me she's a mary-sue, so i will leave it unnamed) (deceased)
Mother: Riricho (alive)
Older and younger brothers lost to her home universe (both alive)
Children: Gia, Stephen, Maxii
Husband / Mate: Ryan (alive)

flare Powers
Powers, Abilities, and Skills

Ice powers (secreted from her skin, allowing her to freeze things to absolute zero if not careful), enhanced strength, enhanced speed and reaction time, enhanced senses, minor appearance shifting.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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