info Overview
Name - What is Valbella’s full name?


Description - Describe Valbella.

The capitol city of the 1st Kingdom where the palace lies.

Type - What type of location is Valbella?


face Culture
Laws - What are the laws in Valbella?

Do not harm another Elf

Do not harm any Dragons

Do not trust humans

Obey all other laws set in place by the Elven Council

Language - What languages are spoken in Valbella?


Population - What is Valbella’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Valbella?

Kyr, Moleas, Shyli

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Valbella in?

Before it extends the valley of the 1st Kingdom. Behind it rises the mountains that border the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Kingdom

Climate - What is the climate like in Valbella?

It has a generally warm climate, although they do go through the four seasons. There isn't a huge difference between each season. It gets strong winds coming through the mountains.

Located at - Where is Valbella located?

Right in front of the mountains at the bottom of the 1st Kingdom.

book History
Founding Story - How was Valbella founded?

After the Human War and the borders of the Three Kingdoms were drawn up, Valbella was established as the capitol city of the 1st Kingdom.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Valbella

Location chevron_right Capital cities link linked Valbella

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