info Overview
Name - What is Errin Elawynn’s full name?

Errin Elawynn

Age - How old is Errin Elawynn?


Gender - What is Errin Elawynn’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Errin Elawynn go by?

Diplomat Elawynn

Role - What is Errin Elawynn’s role in your story?

Side Character

face Looks
Race - What is Errin Elawynn’s race?


Weight - How much does Errin Elawynn weigh?

169 lbs

Height - How tall is Errin Elawynn?


Hair Color - What color is Errin Elawynn’s hair?

chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does Errin Elawynn style their hair?

shaved sides, long and floppy on top

Eye Color - What is Errin Elawynn’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Errin Elawynn have?

pointed ears, light freckles across the nose and upper cheeks

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Errin Elawynn have?

Can be inconsiderate of his sister's opinions when trying to keep her safe or out of trouble.

Motivations - What motivates Errin Elawynn most?

He wants to keep those he loves safe by keeping the kingdom safe and in good graces with other kingdoms, wants his dream of being the greatest diplomat to come true

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Errin Elawynn have?

Fiddles with his hands when he's nervous

Hobbies - What hobbies does Errin Elawynn have?


Personality type - What personality type is Errin Elawynn?

Errin is considered a strong political figure in Valbella, as he is a valued diplomat. He is very smart and often goes for compromise rather than conflict. He is also quite sensible, almost the opposite of his sister. While he is considerate of others and their opinions when he is serving as a diplomat, he doesn't always have that attitude towards his sister.

Talents - What talents does Errin Elawynn have?

Talented diplomat

Prejudices - What prejudices does Errin Elawynn have?

Distrust of humans, wary of any man that goes after his sister

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Errin Elawynn practice?

Believes in the Elven gods

Politics - What politics does Errin Elawynn have?

Is loyal to the Royal Valbella Family

Occupation - What is Errin Elawynn’s occupation?

Diplomat of Valbella

Favorite color - What is Errin Elawynn’s favorite color?

Deep blues--he thinks he looks good in them (he isn't wrong)

Favorite weapon - What is Errin Elawynn’s favorite weapon?

Although he is not a fighter, he is fond of a large staff

Favorite possession - What is Errin Elawynn’s favorite possession?

A piece of parchment declaring him a Diplomat of Valbella--it is a symbol of his dreams coming true

info History
Education - What is Errin Elawynn’s level of education?

He went through the typical education that most young elves go through and then went to the university (?) for any political positions.

Background - What is Errin Elawynn’s background?

He was born of two nobles and grew up with other nobles. His father died when he was 3 and then his sister was born three years later. While she was only half noble, he still quickly adopted the role of protective older brother. He knew he wanted to serve the royal family from a young age and in primary school (?) decided to be a Diplomat. After all of his schooling he soon secured the job and started building up his experience and reputation. Now he is a highly valued Diplomat even at a young age.

Birthday - When is Errin Elawynn’s birthday?

Thysaer (Month of Forest), Day 36

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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Elekien
Description of body markings

Simple tree design tracing along collarbones

Description of Face Markings

Intricate tree designs that sweep from underneath the eyes and in between the eyebrows onto the forehead + small intricate tree design on chin


earthy grey

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