info Overview
Name - What is Kairas Valbella’s full name?

Kairas Valbella

Age - How old is Kairas Valbella?


Gender - What is Kairas Valbella’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kairas Valbella go by?

Prince Kairas of Valbella

Role - What is Kairas Valbella’s role in your story?

Side Character

face Looks
Race - What is Kairas Valbella’s race?


Height - How tall is Kairas Valbella?


Hair Color - What color is Kairas Valbella’s hair?

brown with hints of red

Hair Style - How does Kairas Valbella style their hair?

wavy and mostly flipped to one side

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kairas Valbella have?


Eye Color - What is Kairas Valbella’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kairas Valbella have?

pointed ears, scar slanting down across his stomach

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Kairas Valbella have?

Sometimes he likes conflict too much and will resort to fighting someone instead of talking a disagreement out.

Motivations - What motivates Kairas Valbella most?

Wants to keep his family and kingdom safe, wants to be the best at what he does

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kairas Valbella have?


Personality type - What personality type is Kairas Valbella?

He is very much a fighter. He respects that his older sister is the heir to the throne and is learning to advise her in the military area. He loves his family. He also knows he is popular with the ladies, but has his eyes set on a certain one.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kairas Valbella have?

Distrust of humans

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Kairas Valbella practice?

Believes in the Elven gods

Politics - What politics does Kairas Valbella have?

Is loyal to the Kingdom of Valbella

Occupation - What is Kairas Valbella’s occupation?

Prince of Valbella, soon to be Military Advisor

Favorite weapon - What is Kairas Valbella’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Kairas Valbella’s favorite possession?

His sword

info History
Education - What is Kairas Valbella’s level of education?

Since he is royal, he got his education from the best tutors of the kingdom. His level of education is slightly higher than the normal elf's.

Background - What is Kairas Valbella’s background?

He was born a year after his sister and therefore will only take the throne if she dies without any heirs.

Birthday - When is Kairas Valbella’s birthday?

Tylael (Month of Mountains), Day 2

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Elekien
Description of body markings

Simple tree design tracing along collarbones

Description of Face Markings

Intricate tree designs that sweep from underneath the eyes and in between the eyebrows onto the forehead + small intricate tree design on chin



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