info Overview
Name - What is Town Hall’s full name?

Town Hall

Location Type

Town Center/Town Square

Description - Describe Town Hall.

The chief administrative office in Snow Haven. All local government operations occurs here, with all its departments, its meeting rooms, storage areas, and more. It is an over-sized office building designed to be both imperial in style and also keep that small town cozy feel.

The description for several other locations in and around Town Hall/Town Square can also be found in this location.

Magic Awareness

For the most part, the Statute is wholly in effect across the entire square... but given the nature of the supernat staff, certain buildings may have dedicated, secretive places to handle the supernatural underground side of things.

map Geography
Area Overview

The quintessential, literal and figurative Town Center in Snow Haven. All government buildings and public access services can be found in this location. They are mostly clustered around the town square, although some can be found further down Main Street or on the town's outskirts.

Police Department

The Snow Haven Police Department is generally a pretty quiet place. It has all the trappings of a small town precinct: several small holding cells, a receptionist at the front office, briefing rooms, the main officers' open plan office, and the Sheriff's private office. But there have been several investigations as of late, making for lots of paperwork...

Fire Department

The Snow Haven Fire department is a big brick building that has been kept up to code but not updated in a number of years. The downstairs level is big enough to house the towns two fire trucks, one large and one small, and serves for storage for all the equipment as well. On the second floor you can find the chief's office, break room, and the kitchen and cot rooms for overnight shifts.

Big enough to be comfortable but perhaps not as big as that of a larger city, they make due with what they have and the new Chief is pushing for more upgrades as they can manage it.

News & Radio Stations

Snow Haven is not quite big enough to have its own local access TV station... but it is big enough to have its own newspaper and radio station. The two share a duplex building for this purpose, with the local news on the left and the radio station on the right.

Despite many local newspapers going out of print, Snow Haven has both a physical paper, a magazine, and an entire online website it maintains for its local news, for Snow Haven and the surrounding Alaskan Interior. They have an active social media presence, as well.

The radio station has a powerful AM & FM channel it maintains, with state of the art mobile broadcasting equipment and an active online presence. Both are well equipped to handle the news in the state of a town or weather emergency.

Area Detailed

Other locations include:

Main Street

Main Street runs the length of town from east to west. Everything in Snow Haven branches off of Main Street, and nearly all the shops, restaurants, and public buildings can be found on it or on one of the side streets that connect back to it.

Market Street

Snow Haven's restaurant district is a local's boon and a tourist's paradise! Market Street runs parallel to Main Street, separated only by alleys. Here one can find the best food-related shops and restaurants Snow Haven has to offer.

Spruce Avenue

The lifeblood of a small resort town lives on Spruce Avenue, the home of almost all locally owned and operated businesses in Snow Haven. This winding road runs through town from north to south and intersects with Main and Market Streets.

group Population
Population Overview

Mayor - Aurora Capra
Chamber of Commerce - MULTIPLE OPEN POSITIONS!
Department of Fish & Game - while considered separate (they are locally employed but answer at a state level) they are lumped in with the Police Department here rather than listed separately.


Police Department

Police Chief - OPEN POSITION!
Deputy Police Chief - OPEN POSITION!
Police Captain - OPEN POSITION!
Police Sergeant - OPEN POSITION!

Fire Department

Assistant Chief - OPEN POSITION!
Fire Captain - OPEN POSITION!
Fire Lieutenant - OPEN POSITION!

News & Radio Stations

News Editor-In-Chief - OPEN POSITION!
Managing Editor - OPEN POSITION!

Radio Production Director - OPEN POSITION!
Station Manager - OPEN POSITION!

Population Details

All minor roles - detectives, cops, rangers, firefighters, volunteer firefighters, journalists, radio hosts, DJs, etc are all available!

assignment Operations
date_range Background
edit Notes & Extras
Location chevron_right Notable Locations link linked Town Hall

Character chevron_right Works At link linked Town Hall

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