info Overview
Name - What is Orion Yale’s full name?

Orion Yale

Full Name

Orion William Yale

Age - How old is Orion Yale?




Occupation - What is Orion Yale’s occupation?




Birthday - When is Orion Yale’s birthday?

February 11th

Played By:

Nicholas Skidmore

face Looks
Height - How tall is Orion Yale?

5 FT 9 IN (1.75 M)

Body Type


Eye Color - What is Orion Yale’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Orion Yale’s hair?

Copper Red

Hair Style - How does Orion Yale style their hair?

Orion's natural hair is the kind of curly that is nigh on impossible to manage without steady grooming. Sometimes it seems like if he even runs his fingers through it the curls go wild on him. As a result he doesn't let it grow longer than the tops of his ears because it will become a rat's nest the second it gets too long.


None, aside from his Pattern




Orion loves layers, so he's most often in some plain shirt with either a long-sleeved shirt, jacket, pullover, or sweater over top of it. Otherwise he's mostly in jeans and a belt and comfortable walking shoes.

Identifying Marks/Scars

The only other consistent item he wears is a braided leather bracelet with a small token attached. It was one of the last gifts he received from his parents before their deaths besides Moose, so he wears it in their memory and basically never takes it off except to shower.

Anything Extra:

It's only been in the last year or so that Orion has needed glasses, thanks to eye strain from staring at a computer screen constantly. He only needs them for reading and long bouts at the computer, so he doesn't use them all the time.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

Orion is what is commonly known as a glass cannon. He appears to be well put together, physically fit, master of his emotions… but spend one day with him and you'll discover he is, in fact, a hot mess being held together by clear packing tape. Orion is just really good at looking professional and keeping a mask on to hide his insecurities. He has the air of someone who had to grow up quickly and without a guide, and so is going through the motions of being an adult without really knowing what that means.

He is clumsy to the nth degree, he would lose his own head if it wasn't attached to his shoulders. His head is often in the clouds, thinking of the next story or pondering one thing or another related to his work, and especially when he's in a zone can forget to function like a person. He has nearly walked into traffic more than once just from not paying attention.

However, Orion is incredibly sweet and empathetic. He is trusting to a fault, and though he's been burned by that fact before, it doesn't stop him from getting into that same position all over again with someone new. He takes problems seriously and when he says he's going to do something, he means it. At the same time, he is shy and more soft-spoken than most; people can and have taken advantage of his kindness and willingness to go out of his way for others.

Orion hates confrontation. He does everything in his power to avoid it, even at a detriment to himself. If the choice is to confront someone to save himself the headache or doing it the same way and sucking it up, he always chooses the latter option. Aggressive people and situations he tends to lock up and shut down. In an option between fight or flight, Orion is 100% flight 100% of the time.

He is also naturally introverted, which suits him well as he has dealt with generalized anxiety disorder that he has been in therapy for since his parents' deaths and getting close to people makes him nervous. So he's taken the isolation well. His work stays one-on-one for the most part, covering op-ed pieces or doing interviews, and he always has Moose to take care of, which helps get him out of the house and reminds him about functioning like a person.



Love & Romance

The only advice he hasn't really taken to heart from his therapist is putting himself out there more, especially on the dating field. Though he's made a few half-hearted attempts at relationships over the years, none of them have lasted longer than six months. Partially because Moose doesn't like anyone he's dated - and if the dog doesn't like you, what does that say about you as a person? - and partially as a result of Orion's own self-sabotage. He's afraid to get close to others only to lose them like he lost his family, so he keeps everyone at arm's length.

Orion much prefers the hookup culture, surprisingly; no strings attached, get your needs met, and separate in the morning. Doesn't have to go any deeper with a stranger he'll probably never see again. He has never brought anyone home for these hookups, as home is reserved for relationships only, but Moose still acts grumpy about it all the same.

all_inclusive Characterization
group Relationships
Family Overview

Father: Josiah Yale - Aether - Deceased
Mother: Andromeda Yale - Aether - Deceased

Orion was an only child, and has no other extended family. He lost his parents in an accident shortly before his first year of undergrad, when he was 18.

Lovers/Love Interests

Other Family:

Orion has no other family in the picture.

Pets - What pets does Orion Yale have?

Moose: An Alaskan Malamute that Orion's parents got him about six months before their deaths as a high school graduation present. He's had Moose for almost 7 years now and despite having to deal with a few of the dog's issues - Moose has had obedience issues and separation anxiety for years - Orion's closer to Moose than most people and loves him as fiercely as his own flesh and blood.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Orion Yale’s birthday?

February 11th

Current Residence

Snow Haven, Alaska

Education - What is Orion Yale’s level of education?

Orion has a Bachelor's degree in English Communications with a minor/focus in Journalism

Detailed History

Orion grew up knowing he was a miracle baby. Honestly, as much as he misses his parents now, when he was younger he grew to resent the term, the idea. Don't get him wrong; he loved his parents. They made mistakes, but they were only ordinary people. Having lost them, all his memories are colored with rose-tinted glasses, and he's forgiven (and bitterly regrets) a lot of his teenager angst on the subject.

But his parents - especially his mother - often treated him like a fragile keepsake rather than a child. They were zealous in keeping the house clean so he wouldn't get sick, everything was childproofed far past the age when it needed to be, they preferred him to play inside rather than out, he never really had playdates with other children. To be clear, they never forbid him anything; they still let him try all the sports he wanted, and would let him try any food or any activity at least once.

But Orion learned quickly how to read the worried looks, the heightened anxiety, his mother's tell of wringing her hands. Anything new and adventurous became dangerous and scary, every risk not worth the reward. He began to withdraw, choosing instead indoor pursuits that could keep him at home, and was relieved when his mother was more relieved and relaxed. It helped that he was already a clumsy, shy, and somewhat awkward boy, so for a long time Orion didn't notice everything he missed out on. Because not only was he more comfortable, but he was good at it, too.

It didn't escalate any further until Orion was in high school. Puberty sent the Aether boy through growth spurts; and in an effort to keep up with some of his friends and school, started working out and taking a renewed interest in sports. Maybe that was more so because he also noticed how, despite what everyone said, he had no interest in any of the girls in his class. Instead, he found himself crushing on separate occasions on some of the football players. When he admitted this to his parents at 14, they didn't even bat an eye, and treated it no different.

His parents grew more frantic and more helicopter-y the older Orion got. It was the fact that he wanted to do extracurriculars after school, and wanted to be out of the house more. Suddenly they were imposing curfews, constant check ins, and when he was 16, he caught his father installing a tracking app on his phone.

He's not proud of it now, but Orion was a typical teenager, and he bristled under the paranoia. Their relationship had always been a little strained, owing to Orion's desire to please them, but it really strained and cracked as he entered his final years of high school. They fought a lot, with him accusing them of trying to keep him locked up, and them insisting they just wanted to keep him safe. Safe from what, the world? Did they want him to be afraid to go outside?

It wasn't until he threatened to leave for some faraway university after he graduated high school - he had been accepted to a few high-profile schools on the east coast - that they finally began to back off. It did not stop his mother's worrying, but they agreed that if he stayed home and did an online degree program, or went to the local university, they would pay in full and they would ease up on their hovering. Their relationship improved, some, but Orion never fully trusted that they weren't going to try and lock him up.

Until they brought home Moose, that is. A high school graduation present, they said. Orion had asked for pets of one kind or another for most of his life, but his parents would never allow it - pets were messy, could be dangerous, could get sick. He couldn't even have fish. Getting Moose was a shock. But a welcome one.

Moose was a gift from a friend, they said, who needed to rehome a younger dog. He had basic training but would otherwise need trained and cared for, as he was only about a year old. Fixed and up to date on his shots. Orion would need to be in charge of his care 100%, but now that he was 18, they wanted to set him up with a companion. Then they gave him a present of his bracelet, saying it would be more useful than a watch, and made him promise to wear it.

Orion and Moose got along fabulously. He had never seen his parents so relaxed, especially with Moose's presence. Maybe a big dog was what they had all needed, all this time. Six months later… his parents were gone. A horrific accident. Everything was willed to Orion. Which turned out to be enough to set him up comfortably for the rest of his life.

Moose kept him afloat. He used his school's resources and put himself into therapy, which he is diligent about doing still to this day. He didn't need school now, but he had promised to go, so he went for an English degree with a minor in journalism. This allowed him job flexibility to be able to work from home and write online articles, which was good, as Moose had some issues of his own and Orion didn't like to leave him home alone all day as with a standard 9-to-5.

But Orion has basically just been coasting. Keeping a day to day routine. He is a little driftless, aimless, somewhat afraid of the world outside, and pretending he knows what he's doing as an adult. If he didn't have Moose… he'd be incredibly lonely.

ac_unit Magic Info
Species Type

Orion is an Aether.

Awareness Overview

He was born an Aether, so although sheltered he grew up with rudimentary knowledge on most if not all the supernatural species.


Orion has standard Aether powers. Nothing in particular is stronger over anything else at this time. He doesn't fly much; when he does, he does so at night and far away from where others might spot him.


His PATTERN is an oak tree with a thin trunk but wide branches that extend out across his back and shoulder blades. When brought out, his WINGS are pure white, classic angel wing style.

edit Notes & Fun Facts
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This character was created by Luna Mora on

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