info Overview
Name - What is Salty Sands City’s full name?

Salty Sands City

Type - What type of location is Salty Sands City?

Beach town

Description - Describe Salty Sands City.

The town is very sandy due to the place it was built on. It has quite a bit of hills. The town is big itself.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Salty Sands City?


Population - What is Salty Sands City’s population?

389,448 people

Currency - What currencies are used in Salty Sands City?

Dollars; US currency

Motto - What is Salty Sands City’s motto?

"keep your eyes on the prize."

Laws - What are the laws in Salty Sands City?

normal US laws

Sports - What sports are played in Salty Sands City?

Football, soccer, tennis, basketball, volleyball, track pretty much every sport you can think of

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Salty Sands City in?

Beachy area, lots of sand and marsh grounds

Crops - What crops does Salty Sands City produce?

Some squash.

Located at - Where is Salty Sands City located?

Located in the US

Climate - What is the climate like in Salty Sands City?

very mild winters, falls are more like summers, springs are close to normal summers and summers are very hot.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Salty Sands City founded?

James Allen Mildrew founded the town in 1836. Salty Sands got its name from the geographical features around. At the start of the town, he only had 60 people living there, that's a lot of people for 1836. The population kept growing larger and larger to this day, lets hope it gets larger.

Established Year - When was Salty Sands City established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Salty Sands City been involved in?

no wars were in this location ever.

edit Notes

The city Brookline & Noah live in

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Salty Sands City

This location was created by Kay<3 on

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