info Overview
Name - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s full name?

Brookline Marie Bexley

Role - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s role in your story?

Main character, Noah's girlfriend

Other names - What other aliases does Brookline Marie Bexley go by?

Brookie, Broskie, Brook

Gender - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s gender?


Age - How old is Brookline Marie Bexley?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Brookline Marie Bexley weigh?

130 lbs

Height - How tall is Brookline Marie Bexley?


Hair Color - What color is Brookline Marie Bexley’s hair?

Black fading into pastel pink tips

Hair Style - How does Brookline Marie Bexley style their hair?

fishtail braids

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

none 0-0

Eye Color - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s eye color?

Amber brown

Race - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s race?


Skin Tone

lmao a pale white

Body Type

Blood type O

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

Her deep amber eyes

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

jokingly British accent

Motivations - What motivates Brookline Marie Bexley most?

having her phone, talking to Noah, Hello Kitty OwO

Flaws - What flaws does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

according to Noah, none. but she says she has a flaw in her voice, a flaw in her body (aka too fat)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

she doesnt like herself very much. but Noah really loves her lol

Talents - What talents does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

Gaming lol

Hobbies - What hobbies does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

gaming, eating, doing hair, lOvInG nOaH

Personality type - What personality type is Brookline Marie Bexley?

optimistic, sarcastic, loving, caring, dEaD



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Brookline Marie Bexley practice?

she has no religion

Politics - What politics does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

she is not involved in politics

Occupation - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s occupation?

high school

Favorite color - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s favorite color?

uhh, pastel purple

Favorite food - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s favorite food?

cotton candy, a sucker for sweets

Favorite possession - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s favorite possession?

her phone

Favorite weapon - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Favorite animal - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s favorite animal?

Black cats

Job - What job does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

she is a high schooler

date_range History
Birthday - When is Brookline Marie Bexley’s birthday?

December 16th, 2003

Education - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s level of education?

12th grade, just about to graduate

Background - What is Brookline Marie Bexley’s background?

(keep in mind Brookline started dating Noah in 2016; 4 years ago) Brookline was born December 16, 2003. When she was younger she would run around a lot, to the point where parents considered putting a leash on her. She was very adventurous, but lonely a lot because her older siblings, Valkyrie and Callum, didn’t pay much attention to her so she was usually on her own. One of her favorite places to go was on her roof. The roof, due to the houses being built so close together, were partially conjoined. Thankfully no one lived in the other house. That was until one day when someone moved in, a boy and his family. Brook felt she couldn’t go up to the roof anymore, which definitely got her down. After one day of feeling particularly lonely and her sister, Gracie, getting angry at her, she retreated to the place she felt the safest. The roof. She arrived in tears, but to her surprise, the boy was there on the roof. He looked to be around her age, 13 at the oldest. He was laying down on the roof quietly gazing at the stars. When he heard her approach he glanced over at her, in slight shock. They stared at each, both too awkward and surprised to say or do anything. “Howdy, miss,” the boy spoke after a while. “Howdy, sir,” Brook responded after a while, slightly chuckling. She walked closer to the boy, holding out her hand to him. “I’m Brookline, but ya can call me Brook.” He shook her hand. “Noah,” he said shaking her hand while smiling slightly. From then on they were the best of friends any one has every seen. Though, after a couple years, something happened. No one knew for sure what it was, except for Noah and his family. Noah grew distant. Brook didn’t know what to do since they had always been so close. She kept trying to talk to him and ask what was going on, but to no avail. After a while of her trying to get in touch, Noah exploded. He screamed and cried for her to leave him alone and that he didn’t want to see her. Brook, in shock, quickly retreated and dropped contact. She didn’t understand, she spent her day and nights wondering what she did. A couple months later, she parents noticed she was down more than usual. They took her to the doctor where she was diagnosed with depression. After a couple months, maybe years, Noah apologize led and explained everything. They became friends again but not as close as before.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Brookline Marie Bexley have?

her black cat, Nala

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes


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