info Overview
Name - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s full name?

Noah Lane Campbell

Role - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s role in your story?

Main character, Brookline's boyfriend

Other names - What other aliases does Noah Lane Campbell go by?

no other names

Gender - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s gender?


Age - How old is Noah Lane Campbell?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Noah Lane Campbell weigh?

186 lbs

Height - How tall is Noah Lane Campbell?


Hair Color - What color is Noah Lane Campbell’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Noah Lane Campbell style their hair?

worn down curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Noah Lane Campbell have?

a little bit or a beard ouo

Eye Color - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s eye color?


Race - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s race?


Skin Tone

more of a brownish skin tone, still considered white

Body Type

Blood type AB

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Noah Lane Campbell have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Noah Lane Campbell have?


Motivations - What motivates Noah Lane Campbell most?

getting to see Brookline every day

Flaws - What flaws does Noah Lane Campbell have?

He has a scare on his hand that he is very self conscious about. Brookline loves the scar and always tries to get a peek of it.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Noah Lane Campbell have?


Talents - What talents does Noah Lane Campbell have?

Taking all of Brookline's love and affection

Hobbies - What hobbies does Noah Lane Campbell have?

gaming, hanging out with Brookline, thats about it 0n0

Personality type - What personality type is Noah Lane Campbell?

Optimistic, pessimist.



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Noah Lane Campbell practice?


Politics - What politics does Noah Lane Campbell have?


Occupation - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s occupation?

Graduated, about to go to college

Favorite color - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s favorite food?

Salami sub sandwich

Favorite possession - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s favorite possession?

Brookline oUo

Favorite weapon - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Favorite animal - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s favorite animal?

Australian shepard

Job - What job does Noah Lane Campbell have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Noah Lane Campbell’s birthday?

February 4th 2002

Education - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s level of education?

College level

Background - What is Noah Lane Campbell’s background?

He has very nice parents but they do fit quite a lot. He has a little sister who is 5 years younger than him, aka she is 13 years old. One night, his parents and his sister were in the car with him. The parents were yelling and screaming about politics in the car. They got into a bad accident. It killed his sister. It nearly killed his father. (he is still in the hospital to this day) It left his mother with severe bruising and Noah has a horrible shoulder and a horrible scar on his left hand. This happened 3 years ago.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Noah Lane Campbell have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes


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Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Noah Lane Campbell

This character was created by Kay<3 on

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