info Overview
Name - What is The Crystal Empire’s full name?

The Crystal Empire

Description - Describe The Crystal Empire.

Lots of crystals, tall palace

Type - What type of location is The Crystal Empire?


face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in The Crystal Empire?


Population - What is The Crystal Empire’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in The Crystal Empire?


Motto - What is The Crystal Empire’s motto?


Sports - What sports are played in The Crystal Empire?

Jousting, Yews vs Dragons (foal game),

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in The Crystal Empire?

Sunny, unless the Crystal Ponies don't feed their love to the Heart

Area - What kind of area is The Crystal Empire in?

Surrounded by open plains and icy mountains

Crops - What crops does The Crystal Empire produce?

Common crops

Located at - Where is The Crystal Empire located?

Beyond the Crystal Mountains. Exact location unnamed

book History
Founding Story - How was The Crystal Empire founded?

Originally inhabited by dragons.
A group of Crystal Keepers came form Portmanteau, drove them out, and stole the crystal heart from a dead dragon to drive away the icy winds that had previously been kept at bay by the original inhabitants.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Crystal Empire been involved in?

King Sombra's war
Celestia and Luna fought King Sombra to free the Crystal Ponies. The king was turned into shadow, but the Empire disappeared.

Established Year - When was The Crystal Empire established?


history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked The Crystal Empire

Group chevron_right Locations link linked The Crystal Empire

This location was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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