info Overview
Name - What's the name of this landmark?

The Golden Citadel

Description - How would you describe The Golden Citadel?

A massive golden crystalline spire jutting out of the ground like a needle hewn from rock surrounded by a patchwork slum like city, which is in turn surrounded by sprawling countryside

location_on Whereabouts
face Appearance
Size - How big is The Golden Citadel?

it stretches into the stratosphere and has a diameter of one mile

Materials - What materials was The Golden Citadel constructed from?

Unknown crystalline structure

Colors - What color(s) is The Golden Citadel?

golden crystal color

local_florist Ecosystem
date_range History
Creation story - How did The Golden Citadel originally form?

It has stood for as long as anyone knows

Established year - When did The Golden Citadel originate?

Before the first age and written record.

edit Notes
Country chevron_right Landmarks link linked The Golden Citadel

Planet chevron_right Landmarks link linked The Golden Citadel

This landmark was created by Garth Campbell on

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