info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?

Citadel Province

Description - How would you describe Citadel Province?

A mostly empty farming community with a massive spire that can be seen to pierce the sky

Other names - What other names is Citadel Province known by?

Thieves den,

face Culture
Population - What is the population of Citadel Province?

About 1,000,000

Currency - What currency is used in Citadel Province?

Stanzgarian Silver

Laws - What are the major laws in Citadel Province?

Citadel Province tends to only pay lip service to the laws of the Alliance they have willingly joined, they do however follow some rules governing where they can preform their trade

Sports - What sports are popular in Citadel Province?

King of the hill, Reverse Pickpocket hot potato, Parkour

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Citadel Province?

Citadel is a large open province

Crops - What crops does Citadel Province import or export?

They import almost everything, and export apples

Climate - What is the climate like in Citadel Province?

Warm temperate environs

date_range History
Founding story - How was Citadel Province founded?

Citadel Province as it is now was founded when the first Thief King stole away into the golden spire and nicked the crown that is the current badge of office

Established year - When was Citadel Province founded?

The province was founded as a proper country in the early years of the fifth age

Notable wars - What notable wars has Citadel Province participated in?


edit Notes
Town chevron_right Country link linked Citadel Province

Landmark chevron_right Country link linked Citadel Province

Planet chevron_right Countries link linked Citadel Province

This country was created by Garth Campbell on

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