info Overview
Name - What is Sam's Amulet’s full name?

Sam's Amulet

Item Type - What type of item is Sam's Amulet?


Description - Describe Sam's Amulet.

A magical item created by Lillian Bloodmare meant to keep Sam's beast in check.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Sam's Amulet made out of?

The amulet is made from an emerald framed by black gold, and hangs upon a magically enchanted black gold chain that cannot be broken.

Weight - How much does Sam's Amulet weigh?


date_range History
Year it was made - When was Sam's Amulet made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Sam's Amulet possess?

Made from an emerald framed by black gold, this amulet is imbued with powerful magic that controls Sam's ability to Change and keeps his inner monster in check. When Changed and wearing the amulet, the beast isn't as volatile or aggressive. The moment it comes off, Sam immediately Changes into beast form and is incredibly aggressive, destructive, wild and feral.

However, regardless of if the amulet is on or not, the beast form can be influenced and outright controlled by Reinare's magic flute.

Magic Spells

There is a Bonding Spell on Sam's Amulet that only he and Faina Parker have the ability to alter. It is amplified and completed with the addition of the Faina's Engagement Ring(s) that he gave her.

This spell was not forged by normal magical means, but rather by the supernatural entity that resides within the wild magic well of Snow Haven. Thus, it's nearly impossible for anyone to be able to read beyond the bare components of the spell.

The bond is similar to but also different from an actual Familiar bond; he doesn't share a connection with her mentally, nor can he necessarily draw strength and power from her the way that a Mage/Familiar would.

Distance is a factor, he won't be able to tell you where she is at any given point in the world, but his Beast form is able to sense the bond that they share when Faina comes within a set range of him. He is able to sense where she is and keep track of her from there, no matter what else is going on, provided she doesn't go out of the beasts' natural sense range. When tested, it seems that the range is around 200~300ft.

The Beast is able to draw upon their connection to call her to him when she's within range. Faina has the power to resist his call, but only when she's in possession of her totem. Without the totem, the Beasts' call will have an almost thrall-like effect on Faina, compelling her to reach him at almost any cost.

Likewise, the Beast can recognize and sense the bond only when the amulet is around his neck, or the engagement ring is nearby. Without either present, the magic cannot bind the werebeast and his mate may as well be a complete stranger to him when Changed.

Most importantly, it has sealed into a permanent, magic spell all of the vows he made to her:
- You are blood of my blood and bone of my bone.
- I give to you my body, that we Two might be One.
- I give you my spirit, til our life shall be done
- You are mine and I am yours. From this day to the end of my days, from this life into the next.
- I'll call for you. Every day. As loud as I can. And I won't stop. No matter what they do, I won't stop.

The nature of the magic has basically set into stone everything that he said to her, that can't be broken unless specific conditions are met. Both Sam and his Beast are compelled to honor his vows, no matter the cost... But the consequences of not doing so do not apply when he's not wearing the amulet.

"Blood of my blood and bone of my bone."
"I give to you my body, that we Two might be One."
Although it was meant as a form of kinship, essentially calling her his family, the magic's translation of it is quite different. Should either be wounded, sharing their blood can mend almost any wound, though ones inflicted by magic will be harder to heal from. In addition, should Faina ever be injured, Sam - no matter where he is within the world - will share her pain through their bond. If they're within range of one another, the pain shared over their bond does so in a way that distributes it evenly between the two - meaning less damage for Faina. What would otherwise be fatal blows would be mitigated because of the magic - meaning that should a foe have the intent to kill, they're going to have to use all of their strength and effort to do complete the task.

"I give you my spirit, til our life shall be done."
"You are mine and I am yours. From this day to the end of my days, from this life into the next."
While wearing the amulet, Sam can only die if Faina dies. However, if something were to happen to him while not wearing the amulet, the magic would keep his spirit bound to her. It's also possible through the extent of the bond's magic to bring him back if certain conditions are met, though possible may not be definitive. But if not, he would not be able to pass on until she joins him.

"I'll call for you. Every day. As loud as I can. And I won't stop. No matter what they do, I won't stop."
The Beast's howl is the Call, which is akin to a command for his mate to follow. There are various kinds of calls, some of which are at different frequencies - matching the ones that he was trained with on Reinare's Flute. The standard Call, or howl, is meant to summon his mate to his side.
A softer, soothing call is meant to keep her calm and tame. And another, short and firm, is meant to stop her from whatever it is that she's doing at the time. There's another for prompting her to Shift, and many others.

edit Notes

The amulet changes with him when Sam changes into his beast form, becoming a brace.

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