info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Silver Sisterhood?

The Silver Sisterhood

Description - How would you describe the The Silver Sisterhood group?

The Silver Sisterhood at Friar's Gate is an elite group of priestesses’ who represents the feminine side of the stars, the starlight itself. They serve as mystics and midwives.

Other names - What other names is The Silver Sisterhood known by?

Silver Sisters

list Members
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates The Silver Sisterhood?

Service to the Falling Starlight Goddess. Keep their independence, keep peace in the three kingdoms.

Goals - What is the primary goal of The Silver Sisterhood?

To guide the morals of the people of the three kingdoms. Bring healthy babies into the world.

Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of The Silver Sisterhood?

Queen Sabiya wants to control them, King Ilario and Prince Tirvan would like Friar's Gate to be part of the kingdom of Dakshin so they can tax them.

Risks - What risks are on the line for The Silver Sisterhood?

If they don't keep their independence, they could suffer from tyranny and excessive tax.

Traditions - What traditions does The Silver Sisterhood partake in?

Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Maiden's Eve, Autumnal Equinox, Winter Solstice, Celebration of the Star Showers every three years, nightly prayers to the falling star gods.

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Organization structure

3 is their holy number, so there are 3 levels of the priestesses. Izar Zaria is the head of the Order.

edit Notes

Level one is the Daughters of Dusk, there are always 27. They wear cobalt linen long kirtle dresses with a navy, high collared, long-sleeved short jacket. They wear navy leather boots with a silver dagger strapped to their left boot. They have no adornments on themselves or their clothes except for a single six-pointed silver star on a silver chain. Their hair is always worn in a bun held by a cobalt leather strap. Level two are Maidens of Midnight, again 27 of them. They wear navy linen long kirtle dresses with indigo mantle embroidered in cobalt colored designs and silver stars. They have the same navy leather boots, but their dagger has sapphires in the hilt. They also have sapphire “stars” attached to their faces and blue-painted lips and eyes. Their buns are held up by a navy leather strap embroidered with silver stars and a small silver star with a sapphire stone on a short chain attaches to their bun and hangs mid-forehead. The top-level is Sisters of Starlight. They have white linen kirtle dresses and white mantles with hoods embroidered entirely in silver with a white leather belt to which their silver dagger with crystals hangs. They wear white leather boots. Their buns are held with a silver band embedded with crystals. Their faces are adorned with crystals in a crescent around their eyes and forehead and down the center of the chin. Their eyelids are painted white, but their lips are left natural. The star hanging from their bun on their forehead is silver set with a small meteor piece. The Sisterhood lives in the top levels of the fortress/castle of Friar's Gate. They track the stars, make predictions, bless families, people, are the healers of Friar's Gate, and are the only ones allowed to track and find the falling stars (meteors). 3 sisters from each level are trained as trackers. Those nine are the only ones who have gone and returned from the mountains. They do not ever lead others through the mountains, as they are sacred. They are also trained to be exceedingly skilled with their daggers, as a defense. Only Daughters of Dusk are expected to be abstinent of sex. By the time they reach Maiden of Midnight they are as skilled as any assassin with their daggers. None may marry. Izar Zaria is the head of the order.

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