Kingdom Of Craphis
The KOC is an Absolute Monarchy
King Craphis makes all of the decisions for the Craphishian people, the people have almost no say in what happens in their country
The KOC is an Absolute Monarchy and power belongs to the King.
No checks and balances, King Craphis has complete control.
Monarcho-fascism is the main political ideology in the KOC
The KOC is mainly Pro-Capitalist, featuring free markets, private property, etc. however, it features Anti-Capitalist concepts, for example, markets are still regulated, and private property can be seized by the state if needed.
Most non-Craphishian immigrants are viewed as inferior to the Craphishians, and are discriminated against. They are commonly treated as lesser, and are denied basic biological needs, (called structural violence) as a means to control them.
The King is a role that is inherited by blood. the King also chooses the people who are in power.
Term lengths are for life.
Criminal system is strict and cruel, especially for people with non-Craphishian ancestry, or people who criticize the King or other aspects of Craphis.
Even when interrogated by SSF officials outside of Craphis, upper and middle class Citizens of Craphis seem to be absolutely loyal to the Royal family and especially King Craphis. Working class citizens, are also mostly loyal, despite discrimination, although about 25 precent of them do not support the King's rule.
The KOC is allied with many nations, mainly Entwis (Cartel controlled), North Vardaeon (Fascist country on Vargon), Renietia (Capitalist country on Vargon), and many anti-SSF/CCC crime organizations, like the Kren Family
The upper and middle classes live relatively normal and happy lives. The working class are discriminated against and laws are in place to prevent them from getting higher in the social caste. They are mostly comprised of immigrants and other non-Craphishians.
The KOC's military is the central point of the nation. They have one of the largest militaries in the galaxy. 48% of the GDP goes to the military and military research.
The KOC's flag was designed after the mass-industrialization of Craphis and the establishment of the state's monarchy. The flag features 2 main colors, gold, and white. the gold represents the perceived racial superiority of Craphisians compared to other species in their many territories. The white represents the pristineness of Craphishian cities. The crown in the flag represents the state's monarchy and the Royal Family.
The KOC has been in many, many wars since it was established, true to the state's fascist roots. One of the first significant wars the KOC fought against The Spino Space Federation, the Nation's current main enemy, was in the Raghithian Wars. The KOC provided infantry, armor, and close air support for the Jareaach Military in their attempted annexation of Raghith. They have battled the SSF and CCC many times, their most successful campaign being when they annexed the Planet Keglat from the SSF, and turned it into an FOB to counter SSF and CCC advance. They are currently at war with the SSF and CCC, so their current priority of extremely improving and expanding their military is vital in order to achieve their main goal of defeating the SSF and CCC.
This government was created by SpinoandSpiny on
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