The Denree is a species of mammal-like creature that is naturally arboreal, but commonly lives in cities. The species is native to Craphis, and was one of the first organisms to adapt to the presence of humans on the planet. It is the most populous non-human animal on Craphis, and is invasive on many other planets, as it was transferred off-world by commerical ships exporting goods.
Omnivorous Arboreal Mammal-Like Creature.
On Craphis, the Denree has no natural predators. On Aegaph, the species has never gotten the proper invasive-footing, as the native fauna of Aegaph eliminate entire populations of them in just a few weeks. Their own ability to easily adapt to new situations became their downfall, as their ability to survive without civilization was compromised, and especially won't function with all of the aggressive and turbulent megafauna on Aegaph. One of the main predators that feeds on them on Aegaph are Dromaeosaurs like Velociraptor. They are also immediately terminated if found on Aegaph.
This creature was created by SpinoandSpiny on
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