EC X-60 "The Howl Of Death"
The X-60 is a single-engine,
The howl of death
Aluminum, steel, stealth/cloaking coating
Black, gray.
1 bottom door
1 cockpit window
The craphishians
Highest atmospheric speed is Mach 3.8. It is capable of warping.
Rocket/jet fuel. Refuels on ground or via tanker
High survivability due to stealth capability
The X-60 is a stealth bomber. It can carry a large assortment of bombs, conventional and nuclear. It's stealth capability allows it to cloak itself to appear invisible. It also features a reduced RCS.
Excel Craphis (EC)
1,000,000,000 KCC's
The Craphishians are the only manufacturers of this vehicle.
X-60IC is the interceptor variant
Pilot, Copilot, Radar operator, Bombardier
Bomber level training is required
The X-60 can carry a large assortment of unguided bombs, firebombs, cluster bombs, retarded bombs, and laser guided bombs.
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