info Overview
Name - What's the name of GRU?


Description - How would you describe GRU?

General Region Union

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is GRU?

Chain of Command / Dictatorship

Power Structure - How is GRU's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

Chain of Command

Power Source - Where does GRU's source of power come from?


Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does GRU have in place?

Defer to higher authority

Jobs - What jobs does GRU provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?


cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does GRU hold?

Might makes Right, National Security is Critical, Its US vs Them

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does GRU hold?


Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does GRU hold?


Laws - What are the laws of GRU?


Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does GRU hold?


Privacy Ideologies - What does GRU think about privacy?


gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of GRU?

Chain of Command, Promotion

Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in GRU?

Chain of Command, Promotion

Criminal System - What is GRU's criminal system like?

Military Tribunal

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of GRU? What are their approval ratings?


International Relations - What do international governments think about GRU? How are their relations?


Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by GRU?


group Members
Military - What does GRU's military look like?

Well Equipped

Navy - What does GRU's navy look like?

Well Equipped

Airforce - What does GRU's airforce look like?

Well Equipped

Space Program - Does GRU have a space program? What is it like?

Decent FTL Travel

date_range History
Founding Story - How was GRU created? What is its founding story?


Flag Design Story - How was GRU's flag designed?


Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has GRU been involved in?

Second Porcine War, AAF Coup

Holidays - What holidays are relevant to GRU's history? What holidays does it recognize?


shopping_cart Assets
Vehicles - What vehicles does GRU use or own?


edit Notes

The GRU began as two independent groups restoring technology left behind from the Great Empire on Anfang and Fasfa. These groups operated on the realization that the extant technology sitting around can be studied reverse engineered, and repaired to create working facsimiles. This would give them a clear advantage over their comparatively primitive peers.

The technology improved the quality of life of GRU inhabitants, which allowed them to dedicate more to education, recruitment, and furthering technology.

Eventually, the two groups managed to develop long range radios which led to each groups mutual discovery. Communication spurred discovery and led to cooperation between the Fasfa and Anfang. Both groups began massive projects of reclaiming derelict technology and expanding their reach until both groups were planetary governments.

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned GRU

Town chevron_right Government link linked GRU

Location chevron_right Governments link linked GRU

Planet chevron_right Governments link linked GRU

Lore chevron_right Governments link linked GRU

Vehicle chevron_right Manufacturer link mentioned GRU

Vehicle chevron_right Country link mentioned GRU

Vehicle chevron_right Owner link mentioned GRU

Sport chevron_right Countries link mentioned GRU

Government chevron_right Founding Story link mentioned GRU

Vehicle chevron_right Designer link mentioned GRU

Government chevron_right Notes link mentioned GRU

Building chevron_right Notes link mentioned GRU

Vehicle chevron_right Notes link mentioned GRU

Item chevron_right Notes link mentioned GRU

Planet chevron_right World History link mentioned GRU

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