info Overview
Name - What is Ischvind's name?


Description - How would you describe Ischvind?

The uni-corporial, polytheistic Deity of Ischvinðar

Other Names - What other names is Ischvind known by?

[Like 20 names for the individual Gods and Goddesses]

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Ischvind looks like physically?

Ischvind is depicted in art as an androgynous human wearing occupationally-neutral robes, with a circle of masks surrounding the space where a head would be, representing their multiplicity. Depending on the region, this image is either a metaphorical illustration or Their actual form, though the former is most accepted, the latter seen as generally ignorant.

Height - How tall is Ischvind?


Weight - How much does Ischvind weigh?


supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Ischvind?

  • A circle of masks (usually demarcating a religious space for Ischvind)

  • several hands, holding various occupational objects (used more personally than the masks)

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Ischvind?

All, but wind is a particularly strong theme, as it can be seen as Ischvind's force moving about the world.

grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Ischvind? How do they work?

  • Small, periodic sacrifices are common at shrines, especially from warriors and craftsmen who give to their god in material goods and blood respectively. These spike during times of crisis, or right before large events. The material gifts get dispersed through the elders who keep that shrine.

Human Interaction - How often does Ischvind interact with their followers? In what ways?

To the Vaeldic people, quite often. In the eyes of the Vagapariñe or Yu'hnic, though, they are reading their god into the world more than their god actually acts around them.

date_range History
edit Notes
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Tradition chevron_right Religions link mentioned Ischvind

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