info Overview
Name - What is Itsasoko Ama's name?

Itsasoko Ama

Description - How would you describe Itsasoko Ama?

Female diety of the oceans and seas. She is represented by the water and plants that grow there.

Other Names - What other names is Itsasoko Ama known by?

Sea Mother

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Itsasoko Ama looks like physically?

Water and waves with kelp and seaweed.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Itsasoko Ama?

Waves, water

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Itsasoko Ama?


grade Powers
Strengths - What are Itsasoko Ama's strengths?

She controls the sailing ships and provides a home to sea creatures. She has the power to change coastline landscapes.

Weaknesses - What are Itsasoko Ama's weaknesses?

Is tamed by the sun and moon.

import_contacts Rituals
Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Itsasoko Ama? How do followers pray?

Prayers for abundance, good weather, and wealth

Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Itsasoko Ama? How do they work?

Wading into the water up to your knees for prayers. Some people give their babies their first bath in the ocean. Drying seaweed and adding it to bonfires on the beach which are used to cook fish on Uraren Jaia, or Festival of Water.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Itsasoko Ama?

Decorating an altar or wall with driftwood, whale bones, seal bones, and shells.

date_range History
Family History - What is Itsasoko Ama's family history?

Her partner is Whale Father.

edit Notes
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