info Overview
Name - What is Arrain Aita's name?

Arrain Aita

Description - How would you describe Arrain Aita?

Male diety of the oceans. Represented by sealife.

Other Names - What other names is Arrain Aita known by?

Whale Father

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Arrain Aita looks like physically?

Depicted as a whale surrounded by fish, dolphins, sharks, seahorses, and starfish.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Arrain Aita?

whales and seahorses are very common.

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Arrain Aita?


grade Powers
Strengths - What are Arrain Aita's strengths?

Giver of life by offering up fish for eating.

import_contacts Rituals
Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Arrain Aita? How do followers pray?

People wade into the water up to their knees and call to Whale Father to hear them.

Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Arrain Aita? How do they work?

Covering an altar in a fishnet and shells to pray, wading into the water to pray, Priests take chum buckets out to sea to feed the sharks as a way to thank the Fish Father.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Arrain Aita?

Bonfire with seaweed on the beach to roast fish on Uraren Jaia, or Festival of Water. Wearing a carved walebone, or sea lion tusk.

date_range History
Family History - What is Arrain Aita's family history?

His partner is Sea Mother.

edit Notes

This deity was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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