info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Marwood?

Capital City of Dakshin

folder_open Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Marwood?

Marwood Castle, Maltan Docks

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Marwood?

King's Tower at Marwood Castle

Main roads - What main roads are there in Marwood?

The coastal road from Ataraxia in the east to Pallavicini in the west runs through. Amber road from Amberwood enters the city in the north. King Street runs from the North Gate to the castle. Prince street runs from east gate to west gate.

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Marwood?

Markets around the castle. The port area. Vendors at the gates.

Neighborhoods - What are the neighborhoods in Marwood, and how do they differ?

Maltan Docks in the south, Weaverville in the east, Seven Oaks in the north, and Woodbury Park in the west.

face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in Marwood?

Usual be nice laws.
Women have cannot hold office, own land, vote, initiate divorce, or be educated without husband/father permission.

Sports - What sports are popular in Marwood?

pugilist, tournaments for nobles, chicken racing in the poor sections.

Politics - What are the politics like in Marwood?

Male dominated society.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Marwood founded?

Marwood was a crossroads town before Prince Dakshin made it the capital city of Dakshin.

Established year - When was Marwood founded?

Great War

edit Notes
autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Marwood get their food from?

King owned land outside the city feeds the castle. Nobles own land to bring food to their manors. Poor grown what they can, and trade in neighborhood markets.

Energy sources - Where does Marwood get their energy from?

Human, animal, water

Recycling - How are objects reused or recycled in Marwood?

Most items are made of natural materials and biodegrade easily. Steel, pottery, and glass can be sent back to the makers.

Waste - How much waste is produced in Marwood?

Human waste and pollution at the dock from sewers flowing into the sea became a huge problem. hundreds of years ago a filtration system like Rivergarden's was built between the city and the sea.

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Marwood

Deity chevron_right Related towns link linked Marwood

Country chevron_right Towns link linked Marwood

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