Lunnoar (Neutral)
The Goddess of Neutrality, residing in the city of Khelgard and ruler of the country Kivad.
Lunnoar has no real powers, outside of the fact that she is a goddess created by the other gods. Her magical ability is limited, or so it would seem...
Lunnoar was not one of the original gods of Eralon, instead created by the female deities (light, water and earth) in the aftermath of the Great War. She was given a section of two land masses to rule, naming the territory Kivad. Shortly after she established the capitol city of Khelgard and started looking after any and all who came to her.
In recent years Lunnoar has begun to spearhead the rebellion foretold in the Prophecy. The other deities know this, but because of the treaties set forth when all the deities were given their lands they can't get involved or they risk starting open war again. The only thing they can do is try to stop her agents when they come to their lands seeking the Chosen Ones to help fulfill the prophecy.
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