info Overview
Name - What is Augmented DNA Injection's name?

Augmented DNA Injection

Description - Describe Augmented DNA Injection.

When a person is injected with Augmented DNA, they experience this condition for the rest of their lives

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Augmented DNA Injection?

A doctor-induced condition. It cannot be induced without a doctor injecting the Augmented DNA into the subject.

Alternate names - What other names is Augmented DNA Injection known by?

The Augmenting, The Evolving, The Drug, T.A.D.

bubble_chart Causes
Genetic factors - What genetic factors affect how contractable or effective Augmented DNA Injection is?

A person's human DNA must be compatible through a certain pattern of DNA only available in 22% of the population, traced back to an unknown individual from biblical times. Named the Eden Pattern

Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Augmented DNA Injection is?

There are none, only a Doctor with the Augmented DNA drug can induce it into a subject.

Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Augmented DNA Injection is?

They have to have the Eden DNA pattern.

Transmission - How does Augmented DNA Injection spread?


Epidemiology - How is Augmented DNA Injection controlled or quarantined? How does it first occur?

It is injected into the veins in the left wrist, at that brings it straight to the heart, and is then quickest spread to the rest of the body.

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Augmented DNA Injection manifest visually?

An individual's eyes become bloodshot and their eyes might change color (although this is rare). Their veins pop out, and the whole writhing in pain thing is pretty visual.

Mental effects - How does Augmented DNA Injection affect the mind?

Depending on the individual, there are 3 different effects that can happen mentally.
1. An individual can experience searing pain and migraines, extreme sensitivity to light, and slightly bleeding from the ears. In rare cases, they can begin to bleed from their eyes, experience seizures, and vomit.
2. An individual can begin to see visions and hallucinations, experience confusion, hear sounds, smell smells, and feel breezes or hands on their body. In extreme cases, they may begin to see or feel knife wounds, hands choking them, and even hear voices of loved ones whispering their worst fears into their ears.
3. An individual goes catatonic, with extreme almost bipolar like moods. They are either in a coma-like state, or they experience outbursts of strong emotion. This can include screaming, lashing out physically, crying, vomiting, laughing, and self-mutilation. In extreme cases, suicide attempts are repeated, and individuals must be restrained,

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Augmented DNA Injection?

Physical effects have 2 different variants.
1. An individual can feel extreme pain throughout their entire body, experience seizures, and in extreme cases may lose control of bodily functions.
2. An individual may begin to bleed from their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. It can run down their throat, and they may vomit or experience difficulty breathing. These individuals must not be given any external transfusions whatsoever, only iron supplement pills, and if possible, a transfusion of their own blood.

Duration - How long does Augmented DNA Injection last?

These injections can last anywhere from 4-22 hours, with longer cases usually ending in lasting damage, or death.

Prognosis - How deadly is Augmented DNA Injection? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

Only 47% of those who enter the process come out alive. The rest die, usually mere hours after injection.

Variations - What other forms of Augmented DNA Injection are out there?

There are watered-down varieties, but they usually have no effect, and even keep larger doses from doing any good to an individual, like a vaccine.

healing Treatment
Prevention - How do people keep from contracting Augmented DNA Injection?

Don't inject it directly into your bloodstream via a medical needle.

Diagnostic method - How do doctors determine whether someone has Augmented DNA Injection?

They inject it into them, and then go, oh look, you have been injected.

Treatment - What is the treatment for Augmented DNA Injection?

There is no treatment. Once the process has begun, only death can stop it. The only preventative measure is a watered-down version of the injection like a vaccine.

Medication - What medicines help treat Augmented DNA Injection?

No medication can be administered during the augmentation process.

Immunization - What immunizations are available for Augmented DNA Injection?

If injected with a small amount of the DNA, it keeps larger injections from working, much like smallpox.

bar_chart Analysis

There are very few doctors who are familiar with the Augmented DNA Injections, and even fewer who have ever witnessed or administered it. Most don't have the stomach to watch the effects, so under 10 doctors in the world have seen the entire process, and only 3 have seen it be successful.

Rarity - How rare is Augmented DNA Injection?

Its origin, although not the only of its kind, was kept from the public. Therefore coming across a pure, original vial of this substance is as difficult as buying the Mona-Lisa

Symbolism - What does Augmented DNA Injection represent in your world?

The loss of control we have, and the unknown out in space.

date_range History
Origin - Where did Augmented DNA Injection originate?

A large chunk of literal planet landed in the Gobi desert, holding inside of it the remains of what is considered an alien.

Evolution - How has Augmented DNA Injection changed over time?

It evolves the people that survive it, it does not evolve in of itself. If anything, it is The Evolution.

edit Notes

Although only 22% of people survive this process, these statistics have to do with the very few attempts done on no more than 20 humans, 5 at a time. The Arrival is the first complete team to survive the process, with only 3 before them surviving.

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This condition was created by Chesca Lynn on

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