info Overview
Name - What is Molly's name?


Description - How would you describe Molly?

In her human form, Molly is a short brunette girl with nothing remarkable about her, except for her exceptionally brilliant blue eyes. In her Augmented form, Molly has brilliant white gold hair, shining white blue eyes, and terrifying abilities that even she doesn't fully understand.

Other Names - What other names is Molly known by?

The Angel of Death

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Molly looks like physically?

Human form - Brown hair and blue eyes, freckles, neither remarkably thin or heavy. She's very plain and ordinary.

Augmented form - Long white-blonde hair, shining white-blue eyes, glowing pale skin with light blue markings that sometimes swirl over the surface, especially when she's releasing her powers.
Later in the story, white/blue feathered wings appear and fizzle in and out of existence. It's her powers attempting to 'escape' her body.

Height - How tall is Molly?

5'5" in human form
6' in Augmented form

Weight - How much does Molly weigh?

120, she's incredibly light due to food not sitting well with her. When she's Augmented, she's denser, and so she can feel heavier.

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Molly?

An angel with a scythe, or a candle. The scythe represents the death she brings, while the candle represents the light and the healing also associated with her.

Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Molly?

Healing, light, and air

grade Powers
Strengths - What are Molly's strengths?

Molly can do many things, from creating light and healing broken bones, to snapping necks, blinding people, and stopping hearts. As long as she's very concentrated, she can control what kind of power she emits, and where it goes. What it does? That's a bit trickier.

Weaknesses - What are Molly's weaknesses?

Truthfully, Molly is not in control of her ability. At times it 'releases' in terrifying ways, and she cannot fully comprehend the scope of the power flowing through her veins. This power is too much for any single human to contain, and it is slowly killing her.

Conditions - What conditions does Molly have?
import_contacts Rituals
Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Molly? How do followers pray?

Taylor Hester Will often visit the statue erected in her honor and speak to her. It's not a prayer as much as a coping skill.

Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Molly? How do they work?

STIGMA (Scientific and Technological Improvements, Growth, Modification, and Augmentation) Has found a way to extract a 'watered down' version of the Augmentation from her blood, called the Augmented DNA Injection. Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan will always 'thank' Molly when she is done, despite knowing Molly despises this.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Molly?


Human Interaction - How often does Molly interact with their followers? In what ways?

Doctors and scientists from STIGMA (Scientific and Technological Improvements, Growth, Modification, and Augmentation) attempt to limit their interactions due to several experiencing hallucinations, hearing voices (hers), and feeling scared after extended periods of time around Molly. Only Doctor Vaetua T. Morgan and Taylor's father can be around her for extended periods of time.

Related races

date_range History
Family History - What is Molly's family history?

Molly lived in a small village in Finland for the first three years of her life, very close to where the original comet fell. As a child she would play near it, and so it affected her DNA growing up, changing it enough to be able to harbor itself within her. When STIGMA (Scientific and Technological Improvements, Growth, Modification, and Augmentation) found the comet, they took all of the viable test subjects they could from the town, and killed the rest, erasing the town from history. Molly was taken from her family, and the only surviving host.

Life Story - What is Molly's life story?

Molly was taken from STIGMA (Scientific and Technological Improvements, Growth, Modification, and Augmentation) and held there until she turned 18. During a 'birthday' celebration, she breaks out of the facility and escapes on a boat to America. She makes friends in a few homeless communities and train-hopper groups that eventually collect enough fake papers for her to live and apply for college. She

edit Notes

This deity was created by Chesca Lynn on

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